"Chiquitita, Tell Me What's Wrong"

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11:56, January 14th, 1979

"Are you sure you don't need anything? Anything at all?"

"Merlin, Evans, I'm pregnant, not invalid." Lyra-Jade harshly muttered at the red headed girl in front of her. Since her due date fell only days after the January Full, the boys thought it best to put a very pregnant Lyra-Jade in the care of one Lily Evans while Remus transformed into his wolf and the others into their respected animagi and Mia and Monty Potter were out on Order business. Lyra-Jade was not too happy about this arrangement. Lyra-Jade was grateful, truly, but Lily was extremely clingy and constantly anxious. She continually bombarded Lyra-Jade with questions. Are you feeling well? Did you take your vitamins this morning? Have you felt a kick in the last twenty-four hours? How she was so well informed on pregnancy, Lyra-Jade didn't know. Over the months of getting to know the other witch, she had learned not to question the Muggleborn's extensive knowledge on the most random topics.

Another reason she hated the arrangement was her resentment of being taken care of. All everyone wanted to do those days was take care of her. She hated it. Loathed it. She knew it came from a good place, but she could take care of herself perfectly fine, thank you very much. She could survive one night alone. After all, she was fucking witch.

"Okay, if you're sure," Lily said, looking down at her feet bashfully. Lily got awkward when Lyra-Jade talked in a harsh manner to her. "Would you like some of that soup? I can make it for you!"

"I can make it myself." She was already on her way to the small kitchen.

"LJ, you really should be resting right now, I can-"

"Oh my goodness, Lily! I can make a goddamn bowl of soup myself!"

With vigor, she made the soup while Lily stood in the middle of her and James' living room, not knowing what to do. With a sigh of defeat, Lily sat on the couch.

A few minutes later, Lyra-Jade re-entered the living room, this time with her bowl of steamy tomato soup. Ever since she entered her third trimester, she had been obsessed with anything tomato flavored. She even ate uncooked tomatoes as if they were apples. It disguised everyone around her.

Lily's green eyes, full of uncertainty, found hers.

"See, a bowl perfectly made soup and lookey! I'm still here before you, living and breathing."

Suddenly, the bowl of soup fell to the ground with a large crash, startling Lily.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

She looked down at Lyra-Jade's feet, where the bowl lay in pieces, red creamy soup splattered everywhere, and a pool of water

"M-my water. Its bro-broke!"

"Oh my God! Oh sweet Merlin!" Lily stood, shocked, staring at the floor.

"I can't be having it now! Remus is-is a wolf right now!" Lyra-Jade gasped out, "I need him Lily! I n-n-need him, and, and he is a w-wolf!"

"It'll be ok, it'll be ok. Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"Stop freaking out! You're f-f-f-freaking me out!"

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't except this!"

"Well neither did fucking I! L-Lily, I need Remus! I need my b-br-brother! Its only twelve! They won't be back until at least f-f-five! And M-Mia! I need her, Lily! Oh Merlin, no no no no-"

Lily seemed to snap out of her trance and rushed across the room, "It'll be okay," she placed her hands on Lyra-Jade's arms, "It'll be alright, LJ. We need to floo to St. Mungos. Like, now."

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