"Honey What'cha Done to Your Head, Honey Was the Words What I Said"

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She moved closer to her brother while she laughed, causing James to stand and move between them, because, he knew. He knew what she could, would do.

"No, Sirius," She stopped laughing then. Remus thought how eerie she could be, switching her expressions with such ease. "Actually, they baked me a fucking cake and wrote "World's Best Daughter" on it. Yes, Sirius, obviously they fucking hurt me!" She managed to move past James' body barricade and was standing face to, well, chest to Sirius. "You think they were happy when you left? No! And who other to take out their anger on then poor, abandoned L-Little Lyra?"

"L, calm down." James beckoned, trying to grab her arm from behind.

She yanked her arm from his grasp and turned to him. "Calm down? Calm fucking down, James? He left me there! I will not be fucking calming down!" She turned and looked at all three boys. "Did you all truly expect me to come back to school and be all sunshine and rainbows, huh? All buddy-buddy with you lot, huh? Like my brother didn't leave me? No. That's sh-sh-shit."

"LJ, please I'm so sorry, if you would just let me-" Sirius started, but Lyra-Jade gave him a shove. He barely moved.

"No. Piss off. You don't get to act like you're sorry for leaving, because I know you aren't. You got to spend the rest of your summer lounging around with James and his lovely fucking parents, yeah? Got to pretend I didn't exist for a bit? I bet you loved every second."

"L," James began.

Her pale grey eyes narrowed into slits and her fingers dug deep into the palm of her hands. She had reddened in the face from frustration and rage. "Shut up, James." She turned back to her brother, "Tell James, Sirius. Tell him how you knew what would happen if you left, and you did it anyways!"

He just stared down at his feet.

"Speak, you coward. Speak!" She screamed, making Remus jump.

Tears starting spewing from Sirius' eyes and he covered his face with his hands. "I'm sorry, LJ!" He sobbed. "I'm so sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't fix it." She crossed her arms again. "Sorry doesn't mean fucking shit. You are my brother, and you just left me there like I was nothing. You made me feel like I was nothing that night, Sirius, when I've spent my whole life treating you like my everything."

She stared at his crying body. The others peered at her, mouths agape, shooting looks at one another, completely unsure what to do.

"You left," she croaked out after a moment, "You just left. You left us there with them alone. Alone, Sirius! Do you have any idea how much that hurt us? The both of us?"

"Lyra-Jade, I knew you wouldn't come with me!" He fumed, pulling his hands from his face. His body was shaking. "Of course I wanted you to come!"

"And leave Reggie? Are you heartless? Do you really not love him?" She laughed without any trace of humor, "He is our little brother for fuck's sake! We are meant to protect him!"

"Of course I love him, Lyra-Jade! Are you daft? Of course I do! But he made his decision! He chose his side! That's out of our control and you know it!"

She just stared her icy stare.

"You need to see that if you don't want to end up trapped like him!" He continued. "Cause thats what he is, LJ: trapped. And you know it. You know why he gets called downstairs and we don't. You know what him and father and Bella whisper about! You know who he is expected to be! LJ, I'm meant to protect you too. And that's what I was bloody trying to do!"

"Wow, you've done such an excellent job at that, haven't you? Bravo!" She clapped slowly, and with each one Peter jolted. "Sirius, my whole fucking life has been spent protecting you two. My whole life. All I do is for you and Reggie, and all you've ever done is take that for granted!"

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