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"I don't need your love...........You met me as a stranger and that feels rough"


All I ever wanted to do was feel what you feel,

I could understand and make it better,

I don't like seeing you like this,

It hurts me knowing you fake a smile,

I care about you,

I don't want you to hurt,

I know sometimes it seems like I don't care,

But I do and I always will,

You came into my life and made me smile,

When I talk to you its the happiest I've been,

I wish you could see the smile I get when I text you,

I wish everything wasn't like it is,

I don't know how to change it,

I just wish I could take your pain away,

Maybe you'd forget me,

But that would be ok,

Seeing you happy would be  a breath of fresh air,

I know you don't love me and you never will,

That's understandable,

But I hope we are still friends in the future,

I don't want to loose you,

If you must leave,

I respect that,

I wouldn't want to stay with me either.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now