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" Go to school"

"Make friends"

" Have fun"

"Be free and full of life"

For a couple years that's what I did,

And then I got older,

Old enough to realize that school was another prison,

And I the prisoner,

Where they would change me into something I'm not,

Smile but not too bright,

Laugh but not in class,

Socialize but not when the teacher was talking,

Be free with your speech,

Talk about your problems but they never listen,

All they did was laugh, mock and bully me,

Never tell anyone about this or else,

It's always the  quiet  kid in the corner that gets picked on,

The one who wasn't rich,

The one who wanted to fit in,

But never could,

Everyone wanted to be like the popular kids,

But they were just as broken as us,

Keeping up an " act"

For fame and likes,

Try to enjoy your self ,

But always get good grades,

The kid that went home with an D,

Their parents were never proud,

 Compared to the kids getting straight As,

They were known as perfect,

But they wanted to be like us,

Their parents did them just like us,

They had to do better be better,

All they did was try to make their parents proud,

Shut up and did what we were told,

But none of that was never enough,

We are all prisoners' in our own right,

In our own fucked up world,

And had to be upright,

Be perfect,

We are all prisoners,

And life  the executioner.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now