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It's how good my imagination is that surprises me,

An endless supply of trips I may never have,

Happiness I may never feel again,

Oh how my imagination surprises me,

Just you and I,

The day I met you I knew I wanted forever,

I wanted to help you through it all,

I wanted to be your person and you mine,

You'd save me and I you back,

We'd wonder how we got here,

How did live bless us with such and amazing partner,

But I'm stuck in the past,

My imagination running wild,

Wanting things that may never happen,

We grew from each other,

Had different goals in life,

But I wish this wasn't all my imagination,

I hope I meet you again,

My soulmate.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now