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My problems are stupid they say,

I'm ugly they say,

I can't do anything right they say,

Do I believe them?

Of course I do,

Because it came from the people that should be loving me with everything they got,

But what did they do,

Look down on me every time I tried to make them proud,

I'm in this dark place,

Because they never made me feel like I needed to be here,

I was a nuisance,

I want out,

Suicide sounds heavenly,

Cutting sounds so peaceful,

But then I remember the people that actually care,

That's if they aren't lying too,

I hope they aren't,

Because this is my last straw,

I'm hanging off the cliff,

I'm just waiting  to fall.

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now