More Work?

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Bianca's POV

Tonight I have to work at the emergency room which I love but sometimes the hours are longer than my hours at the club, but if I'm honest I don't really mind because I just want to help people.

"Hey sweetie! How was your day? I noticed a very handsome man drive you home today." My mom looked at me waiting for me to tell her about it. "It was nothing mom. Sof couldn't drive me home because she had a family emergency, and that guy is in my biology class and he noticed me walking and offered me a ride." I know, I lied to my mom but if I told her the truth she would freak out and not let me leave the house. What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

After a few hours of trying to get my mom off my back about the ride home it was finally time to leave for work. "I made dinner for you before I leave for work. I don't know when I'll be back but call me if you need anything. I love you mom, bye!" I said walking out the door. "I love you to honey. Be careful!" My mom finished as I closed the door.

My shift at work was almost done, but let me tell you tonight was the most stressful one yet. I had to fix like 10 broken fingers and like 20 people came in with dislocated body parts. I was so ready to go home until... "Hey Bianca, I'm sorry to do this again but I need you to stay for another two hours, we are very understaffed today. You'll get payed extra." I love my boss but when she comes to me and asks me to stay longer I just want to cry, but I know I need the money. "Of course. I'm just gonna take my break right now." 

The break room was surprisingly amazing, we get free food whenever and there is even an area where we could sleep. As tempting as it was to just lay and sleep, a loud announcement came through the speakers signalling that a patient came in with a gunshot wound a needed to be seen right away. I run to the entrance with a medical bed and I immediately see a trail of blood leading to a man. "Sir, I'm nurse Bianca, I'm going to need you to carefully lay down on here so we could get to to the OR." The man nodded and did so. My colleagues and I rushed him down the hall and we instantly got prepared to assist the surgeon. "Sir, you're going to be all right. You are going onto surgery now." He looked at me and I swear I've seen him before but I brushed it off and focused on the surgery.   

Two and a half hours later the surgery was finally finished. This man was lucky to be alive, the bullet just missed his lungs and a major artery. After bringing him to his own private room I realize it's time to go. I always hated walking home at night but it was only a five minute walk. I should really invest in a car. I couldn't stop thinking about the man I helped today, he looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

I got home faster than expected and quickly walked through the front door. I looked for my mom and saw her sleeping on the couch with the TV on her favourite show, Friends. She basically taught herself to move from her wheelchair to the couch and back. I put a blanket on her, turned off the TV and made my way to my room. I got changed into shorts and a baggie t-shirt and climbed into bed ready to sleep. 

Dream (TW: abuse)

"Get up you little bitch and help your mom, you know she can't move because of her stupid accident!" my dad yelled at me. "But daddy I'm not strong enough to lift mommy out of the bath, I'm only 6." He quickly slapped me across the face and continued to punch me until I was on the floor throwing up. "Why do you always have to talk back!? Huh bitch? If I ask you to do something then do it!" I quickly ran away to help my mom.

Dream over.


I get up gasping for air with tears streaming down my face and a cold sweat covering my body. Why me? Why did I have to have a father like that? It's better that he's gone now, better for my mom and better for me. I quickly took a shower and brought my bed sheets to the washing machine. My mom was still on the couch sleeping, she probably tried to stay up waiting for me to come home, I'll let her sleep. Before leaving I made breakfast for her and left it on the coffee table along with a note saying I got home and am now at school.

Sofia picked me up again and the day went by like every other, boring. Sofia drove me home today which was good because now I'm kinda scared to walk home alone. After waving good bye I walk through the front door and see my mom still sleeping on the couch. The food I left her was untouched and neither was the note so I gently shook her to wake up. "Mom? Wake up." She still wasn't responding so I quickly checked for a pulse but I couldn't find one. "Oh my god this can't be happening" I started crying in disbelieve. "Mom! Please wake up. Please." I can't call an ambulance because I can't afford it. "Mom please don't leave me, you're all I have left." I was crying uncontrollably and started doing CPR. 

The last conversation I had with her was saying good bye to her yesterday before I went to work. I should have checked up on her more. I should have took care of her better. I should have done everything better. I don't know why but the first person I called is Giancarlo. 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please don't forget to comment and vote. I love you all! 

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