What Do I Do?

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Bianca's POV

"Hi Bianca, I'm James the Bartolo family doctor." He put his hand out for me to shake. "Hi" I replied while shaking his hand. "Would you like to talk about what happened?" He asked. I've never told anyone about my past never mind someone I literally just met like twenty seconds ago. "Umm, I've never really told anyone about it." He nodded in response.

"Bianca, I just want you to know that you don't have to suffer alone, and I know you're new around here but those three boys out there care about you or else they wouldn't be protecting you." Maybe he was right, they wouldn't be helping me if they didn't care, right? I nodded in response. "Have a good night and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it." I nodded again and he walked out.

Giancarlo, Tony and Enzo walked in and sat on the end of the bed looking at me. "Bianca, are you ok? We were really worried." Tony said with a worried look on his face. "I'm fine," They all gave me an unconvinced look. "I just want to be left alone." I got back under the covers and turned my back towards them. 

I felt the bed lift as they all stood up to leave. When I heard the door close I instantly burst into tears. How did I end up here? My mom's dead and I'm living with three killing Mafia men. Soon darkness look over again and I instantly fell asleep. 

Giancarlo's POV

"Do you think she's ok?" Enzo asked with a concerned look. "I don't know. She didn't even tell the doctor what happened." I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about her. She seemed so damaged and afraid of someone. "I want two guards with her at all times and they are to report to me everything that happens. Got it?" Enzo nodded and made a phone call to my men. 

"I have to go to the hospital to pick up Dante. The nurse said he's ready to be discharged. See ya tomorrow." Tony said as he walked out. I undid my tie as I sat down on the couch thinking of what to do. I have to kill Daniel for breaking the contract but also for messing with Bianca, and I have to find out who hurt her for her to have nightmares like that. 

I got up to go to my office and do some paperwork when I notice Enzo sitting at the kitchen island. "Enzo you should go home and sleep." I didn't even know he was still here. "I thought I could stay just incase it happens again." He gave me a serious look but I could tell he was tired.

"Don't worry, I can handle it if it happens again. Go home." He nodded and headed to the door. "Call if you need anything." I hummed in response and he left. 


Its 8am and Bianca was still asleep and as much as I would love to stay, I had an important meeting to attend. My men would make sure she's safe. "She is not to leave this building unless I allow it and I will inform you if someone is coming. Understand?" I know I seem harsh but it's how I maintain my image. They all quickly nod as I walk out the door.

As soon as I get into my car my phone starts ringing. Shit it's Sofia, this will be fun. I think to myself.

"Sofia, to what do I owe this pleasure"

"Cut the crap Giancarlo. Where is Bianca and what the fuck was that stunt you pulled yesterday? There were people everywhere and your men pulled a gun me and Bianca!" 

"Calmati cugino, (Calm down cousin) Bianca is fine and what happened yesterday is being dealt with so don't worry. I didn't even know you were friends with her in the first place."

"I don't care what you didn't know, but I am coming to get her now she is NOT going to be one of your bitches!"

"She's still sleeping and we have a meeting for her mothers funeral later. I don't have time for your stupid games today, Sofia."

"Of course you're the one helping her with that. I'm coming over whether she's sleeping or not."

"Sofia I swear to God don't-" 

I know she did not just fucking hang up on me! "I don't have time for her shit today!" I yell to myself as I punch the steering wheel. I already know today is going to be a bad day.

Bianca's POV

I woke up from the sun light creeping through the curtains. I look to the clock on the night table, 10am already!? I quickly do my hygienic routine and head out the bedroom. I was still in my uniform from last night but I didn't care, I needed to go home. As I began running through the apartment two men in suits ran to block the front door. 

"Hey! What are you doing!? Let me go!" They both just looked at me with cold, emotionless faces. "Do you hear me!" I yell at them while I punched one on them in the chest. They were both very muscular and bigger than me in every way so I already knew my punch didn't phase them. 

"Mr. Bartolo wants you to get ready for the meeting at the funeral home in a few hours." The guard with blond hair and blue eyes calmly told me. "Is he stupid or something, I have no clothes here besides the ones I'm wearing." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at them.

"The closet in your room has new clothes. You were still sleeping when Enzo came to bring you to get your things." The guard with brown hair and brown eyes said. These people are unbelievable. 

I walked back to my room to look at the closet and damn. It had every type of clothing I could think of and more, and it was all in my size! How did he know my size, creep. I quickly change into blue mom jeans and an oversized grey t-shirt. 

As I left my room I saw that the guards were still standing in front of the door, it's no use to try and leave, so I head to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. The fridge was stocked with everything you could think of. I decided to just make eggs and toast because I didn't want to make too much of a mess, after all this isn't even my house. 

As soon as I put the toast in the toaster there was loud knocking coming from the front door. I look at the guards, who both had confused faces. "Take her to her room and lock the door." The blond haired guard said to the brown haired guard. He roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room despite my efforts to stop him.

I already knew there was going to be a bruise on my arm. He threw me into my room -literally- and closed the door behind him locking it. A few seconds latter I heard yelling.

"Where the fuck is she!" A female voice yelled. Is she looking for me? Why me? "Ms. Lopez, you can't be here. Mr. Bartolo strictly told us no one is allowed in the apartment." One of the guards plainly answered. 

I was so desperate to hear what was going on I had my ear pressed to the door. Wait did he say Lopez? Sofia! "I'm in here!" I yelled while shaking the door. How did she know I was here? It wasn't long before I heard footsteps running towards my door.

I watched as the door knob violently moved as Sofia tried to get it unlocked. The door finally opened after a few more seconds and there she was, standing in all her glory scanning my body for any injuries. Her eyes landed on my left arm, where the brown haired guard grabbed me. She looked so angry I swear there was steam coming out of her ears.

"Who the fuck did that to you?!" She asked me trying to keep calm but failed. I looked down to my arm to see a big purple handprint around my bicep. I didn't know his name so I hesitantly pointed at the brown haired guard. 

She turned around to face him and pointed a gun at his head. "I swear to God if you ever touch her again I'm-" She was cut off by Giancarlo bursting through the front door. "Hey! What the hell is going on!?" He yelled running to my room. He stopped when he saw Sofia pointing a gun at his guard. 

"This fucking prick hurt Bianca so now I'm going to hurt him." Giancarlo looked at me and scanned my body and landed on my left arm. I already knew something bad was going to go down.  

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