They're So Sweet

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Giancarlo's POV

Arriving at the club I couldn't wait to kill that son of a bitch. How dare he lay a hand on amore mio (my love). I walk to the sound proof room to see him tied to a chair wincing in pain. "So, I'm going to repeat me question from earlier, who the fuck gave you permission to touch her?" I'm trying to keep calm but I already know it's not going to last long. 

"No one, sir." He managed to spit out. "Then why did you touch her?" Keeping calm is not working. "Because I thought she was in danger, sir." He said in between sobs. Did this man really just start crying in front of me? What a pussy. 

"Ok" Was all I said as I walked to the table full of my favourite torture devices. This man doesn't know whats coming his way. I pick up a knife and walk back towards him, the fear so evident in his eyes. I stab his right hand, the one he grabbed her with and listened as his screams filled the room. It brought a smile to my face.

I pulled the knife out of his hand and whipped the blood on his face. I went back to the table and grabbed the blow torch, my personal favourite out of all of them. I walked back over to him with a devilish look on my face and torched his right hand. His screams again filled the room, along with the smell of burning flesh.

I then grabbed the taser and just sat there for a couple minutes as he was being tased. When I finally stopped I was surprised to find him still alive. "We got ourselves a fighter." I laugh. I was already getting bored with him so I decided to put an end to it. 

"Thank you for your service for me but is won't be needed anymore." And with that, I shot him in between his eyes. I actually quite enjoyed watching his body go limp. No one will ever touch my girl again. 

"Damn cugino (cousin) that was intense." Sofia mentioned as I left the room. "Get some men to clean this up. I'm going home." I walked past her because I already knew what was coming. "I'm coming with you, I need to make sure Bianca's ok and I need to explain everything to her." She said while stepping in front of me blocking my way. 

"Sofia, I'm not in the mood. Get the fuck out of my way. Now." Sometimes I could really hate her. "Not unless you let me see her!" She yelled at me. You know what, whatever. Bianca needs to know the truth and she trusts Sofia more than she trusts me. "Fine."

"Thank you!" she jumped and hugged me. "Yeah, whatever. Let's go."  

Bianca's POV

After arguing on what to watch for ten minutes, Dante and I finally decided on watching Captain America: Civil War. About half an hour into the movie Tony and Enzo came to join us but Giancarlo was no where to be found. Why do you care Bianca he probably has better things to do. I thought to myself.

When the movie was over, the four of us went back upstairs to the kitchen to order a pizza for dinner. I quickly went to the bathroom but ended up getting lost like five times, this house was huge I don't even know how people live in here. After finally finding the bathroom and doing my business I walked back to the kitchen surprisingly not getting lost.

As I was walking past the front entrance the front door open. It was Giancarlo and Sofia. Giancarlo had blood all over his suit and Sofia stood there in a skin tight black dress. "Bianca, oh my God I was so worried." Sofia ran up to me and gave me a tight hug. "How did you even know where I was? And are you ok after what happened on Friday?" I really thought something bad happened to her that night.

"I promise I'll explain everything later, but for right now just know that, that guard won't be touching you again." She gave me an evil smile like she knows more than she's telling me but I didn't want to question. "Ok. We ordered a pizza for dinner, it should be here soon so clean up." I mainly said to Giancarlo because of the blood, and then walked with Sofia to the kitchen where everyone was.

  As soon as we walked into the kitchen everyone went silent and gave us confused looks. "What?" Sofia asked the three boys. "How do you two know each other?" Dante asked. "I've knows her since elementary school. We're best friends." Sofia rolled her eyes at them. "Umm, how do you guys know each other?" I cut in. 

Sofia turned me so I was completely facing her with her hands on my shoulders. "B, don't be mad that I didn't tell you this but these idiots are my cousins." She gave me an apologetic look but before I could answer Tony cut me off "Hey! We are not idiots. You're the idiot for not telling your best friend about your cousins." 

"I'm not mad Sof, just wish you would have told me before they pulled guns on us." I smiled at her as she gave me a hug. "Whats with all the hugging?" I wasn't expecting Giancarlo's voice to randomly boom at us making me jump, which Sofia noticed.

"Can you calm down, you scared B!" She snapped at him. Before he could say anything in return one of his men walked in with the pizza we ordered, putting it on the kitchen island and quickly leaving the room. 

"Finally! Let's eat!" Dante literally jumped in excitement at the sight of pizza. 

After we all finished eating, I had offered to help clean but got quickly shut down by everyone. "Guys! I have the best idea!" Sofia yelled. "Let's all go swimming!" Everyone quickly agreed but I stayed quiet. As much as I would love to, everyone would see the scars on my back and what my dad used to do to me. 

"B, you in?" Sofia asked. "I would love to but I don't have a swim suit." I quickly came up with an excuse hoping it was good enough. "Girl come on, you can use one of mine." Shit it wasn't good enough. "I'm on my period." I whispered to her. "So use a tampon." She whispered back. Does this girl not take a hint. 

"No, it's ok. I'll just put my feet in." Everyone looked at me confused. "B, is everything ok?" Sofia pulled me aside to ask. "I have to tell you something. Can we go somewhere private?" She nodded and led me to a bed room, I assume its hers. 

"This is something I've never told anyone before so please be understanding." She nodded waiting for me to explain myself. "When I was little, my dad would abuse me. He would beat me until I puked, cut me, burn me with the end of a cigaret, and almost drown me." She gave me a sorry and angry look in one. "He only cut and burned me on my back so it's harder for anyone to notice. This is why I don't want to swim, because everyone will see my scars and I'm scared of the water."

"I understand. I wish you would have told me sooner, my family could have helped you and your mom get away from that bastard." I smiled at her. "It's ok Sof, I didn't want to worry you. But, it's ok now, he's been gone for years. Now, go get changed into a swim suit." I pushed her to her closet. I quickly changed into shorts because I already know there will be a lot of splashing.

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