Today's The Day

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Bianca's POV

After another two hours of playing dress up with Lizzy she was tired and allowed us to leave. "Giancarlo, who is Elizabeth to you?" I ask as we wash the marker off our faces. "She's my sister. But not biologically. My parents found her on one of their missions and took her in." 

How could someone leave their baby and not come back for them? I will never understand how people can do that. It's literally your blood and you just leave it to die?! 

"My parents and sister are here to keep you company tomorrow when we're all gone. There will still be guards but I won't be here so if you need anything just ask my parents or one of my guards." He adds. His voice was serious. 

Before going down for dinner I decide it's a good idea to change into something more presentable. I change into black ripped skinny jeans, a dark green knit sweater and white shoes. I didn't want his parents thinking I'm a slob. My mom raise me better than that.

Walking in the dining room everyone was sitting around the table. "Bianca! Sit next to me please!" Lizzy yelled as soon as she saw me walk in. All eyes were on my as I walked to the chair next to her. I was so nervous to meet his parents.

I know I already meet his mom but we didn't really have a real conversation. "Mama, papa this is Bianca." Giancarlo informed them. "So, this is the girl that was able to beat up all my sons?" His dad spoke. His voice was filled with power.

"Papa you should have seen her. In less than a minute she had G on his ass." Dante said to his father. His father looked at me with a surprised look and all I did was smile. I didn't know what do say or do ok! 

"Young lady, can I please talk to you outside for a moment." Their dad asked me. I looked at Giancarlo and he nodded. I don't know why but I'm so nervous. I got up and followed him to the backyard.

"Hi Bianca, my name is Rocco." He stuck a hand out for me to shake and I gladly shook it. "It's nice to meet you sir." I reply. "Oh hunny there is no need for you to call me sir. Please call me Rocco or dad." 

What? Dad? This was not what I was expecting to happen. "I want to know how you did it." He simply states. I give him a confused look in return. Do what? "How did you take down my son in less than a minute? Not even I could do that."

"Oh. I'm not quite sure actually. Yesterday was my first time learning how to fight which Tony, Enzo, and Dante taught me how to do. It was probably just beginners luck or he was just going easy on me." I reply. 

"Sweetheart never doubt what you are capable of. If you don't mind I would like to see you fight him myself?" He asked. Oh god he wants to see me fight? This is too much pressure. "Of course. We could do it after dinner?" 

He nodded and we walked back to the dining room. I laughed at a joke Rocco told me and everyone looked at us. "Took you guys long enough. Let's Eat!" Tony happily says earning a smack on the back of his head from his father. 

By the end of dinner, I had learned so much about Giancarlo's family. It's so sweet listening to them talk about how much they all love each other. "Ok, let's get this cleaned up. We have a fight to watch." Rocco said with a smile on his face.

"What fight?" Giancarlo asked. A smile appeared on on Rocco's face. "I want to watch you and Bianca fight. I want to see how she takes you down." Well this should be fun.

After changing I went to the gym and saw everyone sitting with popcorn in their hands waiting for the fight to start. I walk on the ring where Giancarlo was already standing. "Bianca you don't have to do this." 

"I know, but I want too." I smile back at him and walk to my corner where Lizzy was standing. "Hey Lizzy. Is there a special move you want me to do to him?" I ask while crouching to her level. "Yes! Kick him in the knees!" I mean it wasn't that special but I'd do it for her. 

"Ok! Are the fighters ready?" Tony asked. We both nod at him. "Fight!" 

We started circling the mat for a few seconds then Giancarlo threw the first punch which I dodged. I punched back and it landed right on his cheek. He then kicked me on the side of my ribs and it hurt like a bitch but I didn't show it. It only made my angrier. 

I then kicked his knees making him fall then repeatedly kicked him in the ribs as he was on the floor. He grabbed my leg that was kicking him and pulled me down to the floor with him. I then slapped his face and stood up out of his grasp. 

He was still on the floor so I straddled him again and put my hands around him neck. "I win." I repeated my words from yesterday. His brothers and Lizzy were cheering me on because I bet him again. 

"Amazing. Just amazing! She put you on your ass twice!" Rocco happily stated. I stood off of Giancarlo and was instantly engulfed in hugs from the three boys and Lizzy. "She's still the champion!" Enzo yells making everyone laugh.

"Ok. Thats enough for today. You boys need to be ready for tomorrow, get some sleep." Maria demanded and we all went to bed.


Giancarlo's POV 

"I need snipers surround the building and three cars ready to go if we need to leave. Dante, Enzo and Tony come with me to bring Candy to Daniel. Everyone got it?" They all nod and go to their positions. 

It has taken everything in me not to kill that Candy bitch this morning. She was constantly calling Bianca names and touching me like I were her's. But she was going to be gone soon so that took some of the edge off. 

She was dressed in some of Bianca's sweats with tape on her mouth and put a bag on her head. This hating her thing was going to be easy. "Where is he? He's late." Enzo said impatiently. "I don't know." I reply. 

"Is everyone in position?" I ask through the earpiece. Everyone said yes. The sound of a screeching car filled the space as a black SUV pulled up. Daniel and two of his men got out of the car smiling. 

"So tell me Giancarlo. What made you change your mind about Bianca?" Daniel asked me as he started walking closer. "She's a fucking bitch who's good for nothing. All she did was complain and cry all day. So I'm done with her, you can have her and do what ever the fuck you want."

"See my love. I told you I would have you one day." He said to 'Bianca'. He grabbed her arm and because of how stupid they are, they turned their backs to us giving us the perfect opportunity to kill them. And we did.

Watching their lifeless bodies hit the floor was so satisfying to watch. All we had left was Candy. I ripped the bag off her head, along with the tape over her mouth and she instantly started screaming. 

"If you don't shut the fuck up you're going to end up like these three idiots." I yell at her. "You guys are psychotic! I'm calling the poli-" I shot her right in the head mid sentence because her high pitch voice was making my ears bleed.  

"Finally! She was so annoying." Dante sighed. "Let's go, we're done here. I'll get people to clean this up." I state as we walk to the car.

A/n: Thank you so much for the support and for reading my story. Don't forget to comment and vote! 

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