What A Nice Surprise

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Giancarlo's POV

I was sitting on Bianca's couch waiting for her when I got a phone call from Enzo.


"We just got news that Daniel is going to be at the club tonight. You have to get here and secure the place."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

Shit. I didn't want to leave Bianca by herself but I had to. I quickly found paper and a pen and wrote her a note telling her I had an emergency and had to leave. I quickly got to my car and made my way to the club, this man really had a death wish. 


"Ok, Everyone needs to be on high alert tonight. We have news that Daniel Hernandez is going to be here tonight. If anyone see's him, page everyone and don't hesitate to go to him. No one will kill him on the floor but if he tries to run or pull a gun out don't hesitate to shoot. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." My men all responded at once.

I gave then a nod and they each went to their position. Tonight is going to be interesting.

Bianca's POV

Work was going the same as usual, making drinks behind the bar, the occasional creep asking for my number, rich guys spending their money like it was nothing. Thank God I will be done soon, only 1 hour left for my shift. But then I saw him. His eyes. His smile. His very creepy and perverted smile. Daniel. He locked eyes with me and didn't waist any time walking towards me. 

"Hey sweetness, what a surprise seeing you here." He looked at me up and down like I was a toy just waiting to be played with. "Could I get you anything to drink sir?"  I'm at work so I had to be professional or else I'd be fired. "Two shots of tequila." he said smiling. I made them and handed them both to him expecting him to walk away but he didn't. He handed one shot to me "One for you." He winked. "Sorry sir, I can't drink on the job." I quickly answered back. He shrugged his shoulders and took the shot himself. 

"So when can I take you home?" He asked smiling at me. As I'm about to reject him a voice cut me off. "Bianca! Your favourite person in the world is here!" Sofia yelled over all the music. Daniel looked at her and smiled. "And who might you be?" He asked her. "I'm the baddest bitch of all so get the fuck out of my face." I tried to hide my laugh but failed miserably. Daniel looked at me like he was going to kill me. "Sof what do you want to drink?" 

"The usual. Have you seen all the hot guys here tonight. I might just get myself a man." She replied. Daniel saw this as an opportunity to make his move and snaked his arm around her waist. "Eww not you, you ugly old man." Sofia snapped at him getting out of his grip. 

Suddenly a bunch of men in suits came running towards us from all sides yelling at us to put our hands up. Daniel panicked and grabbed Sofia and used her as a shield in case they fired their guns. "Hey! Let go of me!" she tried fighting him but is grip on her was too tight. Suddenly a loud voice boomed and he grabbed Daniel by the neck causing him to release Sofia.

"What the hell are you doing in my club!" The man yelled at Daniel. There were still several men around us, most pointing their guns to Daniel, but some pointed their guns at Sofia and I. What the hell is happening. "I j-just wanted to h-have a good t-time." Daniel struggled to say from lack of air. "Your on our side now, and this is the second time you broke the contract this week." The man gripped his hand tighter around Daniels neck. I know that voice though and they mentioned the contract thing again. "Oh right, the f-first time was when I w-was messing with h-her." He pointed to me and all eyes were on me. 

I knew it, it was one of the three boys that saved me. "Bring her to the loft and be gentle." He said to one of the men holding a gun. He nodded and gently grabbed my arm and walked me away from everything. I looked at Sofia worried but she was innocent, nothing was gonna happen to her. Right?

After being lead through a crowd of people, we walked down a dark hallway which lead to stairs. The man climbed the stairs first so he could put the codes in for the door. My jaw dropped looking at the place. It was huge and masculine and modern. The man lead me to a room and told me to 'wait here'. I mean where the hell was I going to go but ok. 

The room was huge. One wall was all windows looking out to the city, there was a king size bed with one night table on either side and a large desk in the corner. The bed was quite comfortable if I may say so myself.

After what felt like hours there was a knock on the door and I allowed them in. "Hi. Bianca right?" I nodded in response. "I'm Enzo, I'm sure you remember me from the other day." I nodded my head again. "I'm just gonna ask you some questions about Daniel so I'm actually gonna need you to talk." I nodded again. He grabbed the desk chair and sat across from me.

 "How do you know Daniel?" He asked. "I don't. The first time we meet was the day you saved me. And I'm not sure what tonight was about but I was just doing my job when he came up to me." He just nodded and wrote something down. "Has he harmed you in any way?" He looked at me with a stone look. "Umm, well just once. The other day before you guys came he slapped me." He wrote something down again. "Ok, last question, whats your last name?" "Romano. Umm, why is that relevant and why are you asking all these questions?" I still don't even know why I'm here. "Just safety precautions." 

There was another knock on the door "Come in!" Enzo yelled make me jump. "Bro, the guards are putting Daniel in the base- oh sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Tony, Enzo's brother. You're the girl we helped the other day right?" I nodded in response. "Can I leave now? I need to make sure my friend is ok." I asked standing up from the bed. "Your friend is fine. One of our men drove her home." Enzo answered. "Ok then can I go?" "I have to ask Gian-" Enzo was interrupted by Giancarlo bursting through the door.

"Where the hell is Daniel? You were supposed to bring him to the basement!" Giancarlo yelled at Tony. "I left him with four guards to bring him!" He yelled back. Everyone yelling made me think about how my dad would yell at my mom and I.

Flash back (TW: Abuse)

"Listen to me you slut! I have to go to work all day while you sit here doing nothing and dinner is never ready when I get home!" My dad yelled at my mom. "John please calm down. It just cooking in the oven." My dad slapped her at her comment. "But is it on my plate ready to eat?! Nope! It never is!" he said while punching her in the stomach after every sentence. I watched my mom fall to the floor crying and holding her stomach. "Daddy stop! Please!" I tried defending my mom. 

"Did you just yell at me you little bitch! I am your father and you will respect me! Do you understand me!?" I nodded in response but he still slapped me, making my nose bleed. "Use your words when you're answering me!" "Yes, I understand you"

End of flash back 

"Why is she crying?"

"Should we call someone?"

"Whats wrong with her?"

"Bianca can you hear me?"

I shook my head bringing myself back to reality. Enzo, Tony, and Giancarlo were looking at me confused and worried. "Bianca are you ok? Whats wrong?" Giancarlo asked me. "Yeah." I replied quickly wiping the tears off my cheeks. "Can I just please go home?" All three boys looked at each other "Sorry but no. Daniel escaped and we can't risk him finding and hurting you again. You will be staying with us until we find him." Enzo looked at me sadly. 

You have to be kidding me.

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