I'm Impressed

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Bianca's POV

"How the hell did you come up with that? It's actually genius! Oh and I defiantly agree with using that bitch as bait instead of you." Dante exclaims. I honestly didn't even think it was that good. "I'm not sure. It kinda just came to me." I reply to his question.

"Bianca are you ok?" Sofia asks while putting the back of her hand on my forehead. "I think all this mafia stuff is changing you." I laugh at her comment. "No offence Sof but I just don't want to die, desperate times call for desperate measures." She hugs me in response.

"Ok, you're all free to leave." Giancarlo sends all his men off. After everyone leaves me, Sofia, Giancarlo, Dante, Enzo and Tony go to the kitchen. "Bianca how would you feel about being in charge of making plans for our missions from now on." Dante asked. 

Was he serious? I mean, I do have a lot of time on my hands so why not. "I mean sure. It's not like I have anything better to do." I reply. I was actually excited to finally be doing something exciting. "Is it cool with you bro?" Dante asks Giancarlo.

He looked sceptical at first but nodded his head. "Ok. I'm going to bed. Good night!"

Giancarlo's POV

"Is it cool with you bro?" Dante asked me. Honestly I was thinking the same as him but I just don't want her too involved with this stuff. But if you think about it she would only give the plan, not fight or anything dangerous. I nodded and everyone smiled.

"Ok. I'm going to bed. Good night!" Bianca said as she walked up the stares. I'm still a bit shocked that she came up with that plan like it was nothing. This girl just keeps surprising me. 


"Bianca, wake up." Today we start teaching her how to fight and honestly I was kinda excited. "Bianca." I shook her harder this time. For someone who was so excited to fight sure doesn't like waking up.

"Bianca!" She instantly jumped awake. "I'm up, I'm up." She replied still half asleep. "Come on. Do you want to learn how to fight or not?" I ask. "No no, I'm coming. Just give me a few minutes." She said while walking to the bathroom. 

As I walked into the gym I noticed all my brothers there. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. They never usually wake up this early unless they absolutely have too. "What, you think we're going to miss teaching Bianca how to fight? I want her to kick your ass." Dante replied.

No one has ever taken me down, EVER, in hand to hand fighting. "No offence but Bianca won't be taking me down any time soon." As soon as I said that all the boys looked behind me. "So much for believing in me." Bianca said while crossing her arms causing her boobs to push up in her sports bra.

"I won't need your help anymore. I'm sure your brothers will do just fine teaching me." I could hear my brothers trying to hide their laughs. What did she just say to me? "You don't need my help anymore? Now you defiantly won't have a chance at taking me down." I reply with a grin on my face. 

"Challenge accepted." Is all she said before walking to my brothers and getting started.

After about two hours of my brothers training her I thought it would be a good time to challenge her. "So, you think you have what it takes to take me down." I asked while leaning on the door frame. 

"Bro she took all three of us down in less than five seconds. You're gonna get your ass kicked." Enzo replied. I could tell he was saying the truth because all three of their faces were in shock. "Oh really? You all are just pussy's. Bring it on Bianca." 

We got into the ring and I couldn't help but admire her body. She was literally perfect in every way. "Fight!" Tony yelled pulling me from my thoughts. Bianca was the first to swing landing her punch right on my face. Damn she punches hard.

I swing at her this time and she dodges it causing my brothers to make 'OHHHH!' noises. She instantly kicks my ribs making me double over giving her the opportunity to punch me in the face again. 

She then kicks my feet from under me causing me to fall and she immediately straddles me blocking me from getting up. Honestly that was so impressive I think I'm in shock. "I win." She happily states out of breath.

I felt myself getting hard as she started to get off me so I grabbed her hips and pulled her down again. "Don't get up." She started to laugh because she knows what she did. "Mama e papa are going to love her!" (Mom and dad) Dante yelled.

She gave me a confused look. "My parents always said that the girl that can take me down in a fight will be the only girl for me." I answered her unasked question. She stood up off of me, knowing I was still hard by the way, and walked to my brothers. 

"Lets get some food." She said to them, and like the bitches they are they follow her. At lease she gave me time to fix myself without embarrassing me.

I know you're probably wondering why I haven't mentioned my mom yet until now. Well, she has cancer and can't really do much. I try to see her when I can but it's so hard watching her suffer and I can't do anything about it. She is the only girl I would literally do anything for. Except now I would do anything for Bianca too. My mom is everything to me. I can't imagine loosing her. 

Bianca's POV

"I win." I say while straddling him. So much for saying I can't take you down! I felt him get hard under me so I started standing up but was instantly pulled down by my waist. "Don't get up." Giancarlo said causing me to burst out laughing. 

"Mama e papa are going to love her!" (Mom and dad) Dante yelled from behind us. Mom and dad? They would like me because I could beat up all of their son's? "My parents always said that the girl that can take me down in a fight will be the only girl for me." Giancarlo answered my unasked question.

That comment gave me so many butterflies I thought my guts were going to explode. I successfully got off of him this time and walked to the three boys. "Let's get some food." They followed behind me. The least I could do was give Giancarlo some time to fix himself after I kicked his ass.

"So, what does the champion want for breakfast?" Tony asked. Champion? I like the ring it has to it. "Hmmm, eggs and bacon." I reply. 

"That sounds good." We all turn to see Giancarlo standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. "Yes it does. I hope you're a good cook because you have to make it." I'm never letting go of the fact that I just bet THE Giancarlo Bartolo in a fight. 

"Excuse me?" He asked stepping towards me. His eyes were dark and filled with anger. "You heard me. Unless you want me to kick your ass again?" Honestly I feel like I'm high on power right now and I never want to come down.

"Ok. I'll cook." He said with a smile on his face. Did he just give in? "But if you don't run now you're getting punished." I took that as my cue to leave and I ran faster than I ever have before. I know the best hiding spot, even though this is his house he won't even know to look here. 

Good luck bitch.  

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