Please Find Me

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Bianca's POV

It's been a couple of days since John took me and I'm honestly really worried as to why Giancarlo hasn't found me yet. 

"Hm, I guess Giancarlo really did have enough with you or else he would have found you by now." John uttered as he walked through the door. "Shut up!" I yell. His face changed to anger and he started punching me.

"Please....stop." I manage to at least get those words out in between blows. All he did was start punching harder. 

After a few minutes of me being almost punched to death there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" 

"Sir, there is a situation at headquarters that needs your attention." A tall, muscular man with brown hair walked in with a worried look on his face. "What is it now. You idiots can't seem to do anything right." John scolded the man. 

"No sir, the Bartolo family is killing everyone in sight until they get you and the girl." The Bartolo family? OH MY GOD IT'S GIANCARLO! I'm trying to remain as calm as I can on the outside because on the inside I'm going crazy.

"SHIT! Watch the girl while I'm gone, and don't be afraid to do anything you desire with her." John says with a smirk on his face as he walked out of the room. I swear to god if this man touches me he's leaving here without his dick.

"Bianca. I know you're scared but I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help you escape." What did this guy just say to me? Why does he want to help me? "Why would you help me?" 

"Because I'm Alexander, your brother."

What did he just say to me? "I don't have a brother. I'm been an only child all my life." I spit at him. This can't be happening. 

"We're not full siblings but we have the same father. I did some research on you when he mentioned the plan about finding you. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He said seriously. 

"Ok I believe you. If you get me out of here alive and unharmed, I'll talk to some people and you will have a better like. If I do get hurt, you won't have a dick anymore. Deal?" He looked at me kinda scared but agreed with me.

"Ok so here's the plan. 1:30am is when all the guards change. So the one's on duty will to go the break room and get the others. They usually talk for five minutes so that is our window. Then we climb into a vent, I know one that leads to the ally outside, and we take that until we're out.

Once we're out I'll drive you home and you could give me the life you promised. But there is one thing I want," I nod waiting for him to finish. "I want to get to know my sister." He smiled and I couldn't help but do the same.

I can't believe I have a brother that actually cares about me. "Sounds like a plan." I state anxious for time to pass by faster. "Ok, see you later." He smiled before walking out of the room. 

This should be fun.


Giancarlo's POV

"It has been two fucking days, how have you idiots not found anything!" I slam my fist on the desk in anger. I need to find her. I never thought missing a person this much was even possible, what the fuck is wrong with me. 

"Son calm down. We already know that the German Mafia has her and we know that's the Mafia her dad runs. If you calm down and think, we already know where their head quarters are. If they're smart they won't have her there but we could find where she is if we go."

My dad is right. If we go there we could find where she is, plus have the pleasure of killing a few cunts along the way. "Ok. Get the cars ready. I need everyone ready in twenty minutes and then we leave." 

If my men weren't scared of me before then they definitely are now. They have been avoiding eye contact or even talking to me because they already know that I will rip their heads off if they say the wrong thing to me. 

The twenty minutes couldn't have gone by any slower but finally we're leaving. "Listen up, If any one see's John DON'T KILL HIM! Drug him, poison him but DO NOT KILL HIM. We will bring him to the warehouse and deal with his there. Understand?" I demand through the earpiece so everyone in all three cars can hear.

"Yes sir." They all said in sync. 

Arriving at the dump of a head quarters, everyone got into position and had the building covered from all angles. "Now." On my command I watched the guards on the roof and at each entrance fall dead. Satisfying, I know.

My men and I invaded the building from all angles giving everyone inside no where to escape. This place looks and smells like actual shit, how the fuck can anyone work here. 

Everyone inside started reaching for their guns as soon as they saw us but it was too late, they were killed before they had the chance. The remaining few people had their hands up and had a terrified look on their face which made me smile.

"Where the fuck is she!" I demand them to tell me because I'm so tired of their games. "Oh you know, about six feet under." A voice from behind me calmly states.

He's lying. She can't be dead. We all turn around to face him at to my surprise its John. "Where the fuck is she! I'm not playing your fucking games John!" 

"Are you hearing impaired or something? She's dead. Six feet under like I said five seconds ago." He smiled his psychotic smile and I didn't hesitate to shoot him in the leg. His screams filled the room, it was like music to my ears.

"Kill them." I order my men to kill the remaining people besides John. The sound of their lifeless bodies hitting the floor started opening the doors to the worst part of myself. "Tell me where the fuck she is John or I'll do everything you did to her, to you."

"You have a very insistent boy Rocco. I could see he finally has a girl that he cares for more than just sex. He's becoming soft!" My dad walked towards him with a face somehow angrier than mine.

"My son has NOT gone soft. If anything it made him stronger and a better person. And like my son said, anything you have done to her we will do to you." My dad said through his teeth. And in one swift movement he stuck a syringe in John's neck.

"Hack every computer and find where Bianca is. NOW!" MY dad yell's and everyone ran to find them self a computer. My dad, brothers and I searched the place incase she actually was here but we found nothing.

After about ten minutes one of my men found where she is. "Sir, I found her. She's at one of their safe houses in Niagara Falls. There are camera's in her room, she's alive." I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders hearing she's alive.

I looked at the camera's to her room and it broke my heart. The was tired to a metal chair and had bruises all over her face and body. "I'm coming Bianca." I whisper to her, although I know she can't hear me. 

 "Everybody out! We're going to get Bianca." I yell. Everyone runs out of the building and into the cars. 

We have been driving for an hour already and no one had said a word until now. "G, can I ask you something?" Dante asks. I nod in response. "Do you love her?" Everyones eyes fell on me waiting to answer.

I don't know what loving someone besides family feels like but with Bianca it's different. I've done so much crazy shit to her or in her presence and she's not scared of me. She is accepting of everything me and my family do and hasn't judged us once. And now that this happened I realize that I hate being away from her. If this is what love feels like then yes, I do love her.

"I think so."

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