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♪ I always recommend playing the music I put above to match the mood! ♪


"Yeah, their blood tastes a lot better than full vampire blood but it's definitely not better than full human blood. Pretty sure Sunghoon feeds off some half-blooded girl, not that I can remember her name."

Your body burned hot with disbelief, it seemed the complete stranger knew your friends better than you knew them. It wasn't registering with you as your eyes stayed fixed and frozen at the boy. Kyungeun was half vampire and there was something you couldn't grasp about the information. Her secret made so little yet so much sense as it could explain the only misfortunes Sunghoon could've held against her.

"Seems like you know this girl?" The young boy raised both brows, taken aback at your reaction.

"I do..." Your heart pounded with some sort of adrenaline, "Does Kyungeun drink blood?"

"In short, she has sucked the life out of her father including his side of the family, quite disturbing right? Don't know how she and her mother got away with such murder, but they did." He sucked in between his teeth, "She vowed to never drink blood again... But even still, I don't know how she could bring herself to do that to her family."

Just when you thought the secrets couldn't get worse, they did.

"Any more questions for me?" He galloped his fingers over his cheekbone.

"Yes, one more question." You peered one last time at his face to get the best look you could ever get of him. You were sure this boy was now your partner in crime, "What was your name again?"

"Riki. Nishimura Riki."


When you got back to your dorm you noticed the girls cooped up on Dahee's bed.

"Someone went for a long walk." Hyesun greeted as you pinned your jacket up on a random door hook, "Come sit with us." They fanned their hands towards the circle with wild excitement all over their faces.

"Why are you all gathered like this?" You dragged your feet over, thoughts still spinning around like clothes in a washing machine. At least you felt better after the walk, no headache, no stomachache but definitely sick with insanity.

"Y/N we have good news!" Nana waited for you to sit in the cosy clique, "The boys plan to have the party tomorrow!"

Your eyes went hollow, deep into their sockets, "Right... The party..." You bit your tongue at the 'good news' as you couldn't explain just how unsafe the event could turn out.

"Don't worry, we asked if we could invite more people so don't freak out too much." Hyesun chimed in, relieving you but also upsetting you. At least now you knew they weren't trying to murder you and your dormmates, how could they with so many witnesses around?

"Sounds like tomorrow will be great..." Beneath the surface, you did not want to go but ultimately felt the need to.  You were simply doing shadow work to protect the girls. Perhaps this is how Jungwon felt about you?

"Okay but now that Y/N's here, it's time to spill the juice with Sunghoon!" Dahee sat up straight to prepare herself, "You said you'd tell us about it, remember?"
You cursed under your breath, you were not mentally prepared at that moment to give some lovey-dovey schpeel describing how and why you 'liked Sunghoon'. There was no way you could fake it.

Blood Boundaries ーENHYPEN x Reader [COMPLETED 2021]Where stories live. Discover now