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warning! this chapter is kind of wild, proceed with CAUTION.
You cannot say you have not been warned, enjoy.

p.s: this chapter has A LOT of crucial information!


"How did you boys become vampires?"

"I don't know if you'd believe me..." He hiccupped.

"We all made a deal with a mistress at a carnival. She had seduced each one of us, one by one promising us the life we desired, a life we dreamed." Jungwon shook his head with a tsk rolling off his tongue, "We were all too naive to notice her intentions of taking our mortal lives for herself and now we're trapped switching between the two worlds."

Your throat went dry, questions coming to mind one after the other, "Switching between the two worlds? Are you vampires in that world too? How do you even switch between the worlds?"

Jungwon let out a shaky sigh, "No, we're not vampires in that world... When we fall asleep in this world, we dream of the other world. And while we sleep in that world, we dream that we're in this world."

Your senses were fascinated upon hearing the life Jungwon lived in but disheartened at the cruel trickery that had been done to him, "But who is this mistress? And can't you find her to put an end to this vampire curse?"

"It's not that easy... She had erased our memories of her face." Jungwon looked at you with deep eyes, "No matter how hard I try, I can't recall what she looks like."

You were in the middle of processing everything Jungwon had said when you heard footsteps. Immediately, you grabbed Jungwon and his jacket to flatten yourselves against the wall of the dormitory in an attempt to not be seen.

"Jungwon, I'm going to head back before we get caught... This conversation is not over, okay?" You whispered while handing him his blazer, "Since there's a party tomorrow, I'll see you at the party."


You had never been to a house party in your life especially one with a lot of people. It was past ten o'clock and here you were with your roommates after you four had snuck out to walk to the boy's place on the outskirts of the school. The walk was a lot shorter than you had anticipated and luckily the street lights were there to guide you down the foggy path. When you had seen the house in hindsight, it was far from what you had envisioned. The house was a traditional American house with a rather large driveway full of spoiled students parked on it with their cars.

Nana rang the doorbell making your heartbeat beat loud out of your chest.

When the door opened, you were faced by a complete stranger dressed in your school's uniform with the bass of the music flooding out of the house. The place reeked alcohol, cheap perfumes and slight cigarette smoke. The foreign place was packed with students of all ages drinking, dancing and drunken conversations. The lighting of the house had made everything a blood orange tinge while the music switched between groovy slow jams and electronic rock music. There was confetti and all sorts of substances on the floor as you walked straight of the wide-open house. You could barely see what part of the house you were in with all the wild things going on. Naturally, your friends drifted out of sight and now you were lost in this party alone.

You saw a free space near the counter of the kitchen with nobody around and awkwardly you gravitated towards it. You were now standing next to the dispenser of what you assumed was fruit punch mixed with some kind of liver killing alcohol. At least now you had a good overview of the party. Your eyes seized toward the living room where people were mingling and getting freaky with each other. Niki was in the middle of a crowd, showering in drinks and praises as he partied harder than ever while Jaeyun sat on a couch with arms around a couple of unfamiliar girls. The sight of so many people made your skin crawl as you caught watch of your friends in the distance talking to a couple of gossip girls in your grade.

Blood Boundaries ーENHYPEN x Reader [COMPLETED 2021]Where stories live. Discover now