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You went on with your Monday, with Kyungeun and Sunghoon at the back of your head at all times. Your thoughts kept going back and forth between just giving your blood to Sunghoon or just being a complete bystander to the situation knowing Sunghoon would probably do more harm to Kyungeun if you reported him. You could only sit there like an empty can with the blender of possibilities. On another note, if you gave your blood to Sunghoon you'd have to factor out what kind of stress it would cause Jungwon.

"Earth to y/n, you there?" Jaeyun waved an open hand in front of you.

"Sorry what?" You zapped back to reality.

"Did you get home alright on Friday night?"

"I did thanks to Jay. How was your hangover?" You said while still thinking of solutions to the Sunghoon mess.

"Awful, I spent all Saturday and Sunday recovering." He spun a pencil between his fingers out of habit, noticing you zoned out again. "What's going on through your head?" He poked at you annoyingly.

"Sunghoon." You mumbled, "How is Jungwon? Is he at school today?" You switched topics, getting a little more concerned with that subject.

"Jungwon? He's back at the house still... Riki is taking care of him for us while we stay at the dorms until the long weekend starting this Friday."

"Right..." Your thoughts transitioned into how Jungwon was actually intertwined with your other problems. Would it be a bad idea to lend two people your blood? Considering Kyungeun had developed Anemia from just Sunghoon consuming her blood, you might be sent to the hospital with him and Sunghoon.

Jaeyun caught you a bit off gaurd, desperate for more attention he spoke up,
"So I heard from Jay you finally found out our secret... How did that happen?" 

"Park. Sung. Hoon." You said, emphasizing each and every syllable laced in disgust, "I also found about how you became vampires... Kinda interesting."

"So you also know about us being princes?" He closed the textbook in front of him, tired of work.

"I'm sorry what?" You put your thoughts on hold to focus on what the hell Jaeyun had just said.

"I thought you said you knew how we became vampires?" Jaeyun looked just as confused as you, "You know...? How we traded our mortality to be princes?"

"NO!? Jay just told me you boys live a lavish life there... Didn't realize he meant a super lavish life." You blurted, quite flabbergasted by the information.

"There is so much to do in that world. Grand balls, festivals, shows and everything." Jaeyun beamed about the world, going on and on about how unique the place and time was. The description of the world felt so magical, almost nostalgic. You wondered about their lives there too. But good things have bad things too.

"Okay, but there are literally vampires in that world who will just kill you whereever and whenever?" You said, cutting into his glorious stories to quote Jay, "Especially because you're of 'high status'."

"That is true... Unfortunately, the lower class of that world look up to us with envy. Since most of the lower class can't afford to live in good or safe areas, a lot have been infected by vampires. They come after us because they resent us." Jaeyun's breath withered into thin air, "We keep a sharp watch regardless, it's not a big deal. We've just had some scary experiences."

Blood Boundaries ーENHYPEN x Reader [COMPLETED 2021]Where stories live. Discover now