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Stringing on the mask Sunoo had gifted in the mirror, Jungwon's warm voice lingers somewhere in your ears. His voice had unlocked a stream of memories that you had never thought would return back to you.

Thanking the seamstress, you hurried back to your room in hopes to find Jaeyun. A plan needed to be formed or at least some reassurance that no one would find out just how ruthless the situation was. Through the halls, your hands get sweaty as you don't find Jaeyun outside the room as he had mentioned. Instead, you notice your door wide open with shuffling noises dispersing the air. Was it Jaeyun? A thief? It couldn't be Riki, could it?

Picking up the speed, you tsk as you make your first full step through the door, "Jaeyun? Are you in here? I thought you said you'd wait outside."

Your heartbeat that heavily beats out of its socket stops when you find Heeseung instead in your room; book in hand with shrunken pupils. The both of you were now staring at each other with different faces of horror, "Your highness... W-what is this? It's not yours is i-it?" His hand's shake, the smell of his fear attracting your thirst.

"Prince Heeseung?! W-why are you here?!" Your fangs sharpen at his scent during the late afternoon, your stress levels rapidly rising.

"I-I came to escort you to the festival tonight." He gulped loudly, "I see you must be going with Prince Jaeyun?" He said setting the book down rather uneasy, "I see the rumours are true."

"Which rumours?" You try to smile, unsure of which of the two he was referring to.

"That you slept with Jaeyun," He let out a fake laugh, his pitch turning from deep terror to realization in the matter of a syllable "Or perhaps that you're a... Vampire."

"Of course not! Prince Riki made up such false rumours about me. Don't tell me you believe him now?"

"Your majesty, please don't fool me like this. My brother would never deceive me," He weighed his head on one side, structuring his arms to hold his face, "Don't you think you should be punished for those sins of yours?"

He was well fixed towards the book, speaking in a way that made it hard to keep composure, "That isn't my book, I-I found it."

"You're a monster," He spoke not a millisecond after you finished your sentence, "And this entire time I thought we were getting along so well... Here you were just after my blood." He let out a baffled laugh at once; the scariest way anyone could express such frustration and disbelief.

"I'm not a vampire! Please don't believe such lies!?" You protested, shocked as he approached your overwhelmed state. It was not helping your senses had been triggered by the fear he had radiated earlier, his blood clashing with your thoughts.

He began circling you like prey even though you were the predator, "And how do you expect me to believe that?" He tilted your chin to look straight into his eyes, his blood the most fragrant, "I can see the desire in your eyes. You want my blood, princess."

You were confused by the way he was tormenting you, "And what will it take for you to believe me?" You challenge, secretly ready to shut the door and take his blood for his consciousness.

"Show me your teeth."

You stood there with an explicitly blank face. There was absolutely no way you could say no but there was also no way you could reveal such a visible indication of your status. With no other plausible choice, you slam the door closed. Attempting to pin Heeseung against the wall, he reacted impossibly fast as if he knew what was coming.

"Princess wants my blood? Or should I even call you that?" He scoffed as you used every bit of body strength to turn the tables, but it had been no use trying to loosen his cuff-like grip.

Blood Boundaries ーENHYPEN x Reader [COMPLETED 2021]Where stories live. Discover now