Good Company

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   As the weeks went Tim and Brian stopped by regularly, late at night, to grab snacks and chat before heading home. Sometimes covered in blood, sometimes not. M/n wouldn't lie, he loved the attention from the two. The tired smiles Tim would give him when he walked in, and how Brian called him handsome as a joke once and after a while it just stuck made his stomach flutter like he was back in highschool. After years of being starved for attention he looked forward to their dirty pickup truck pulling into the parking lot. Even if that attention was coming from two hot depressed millennials, *especially* if that attention was coming from two hot depressed millennials.

Tim and Brian had similar opinions, if anything their chats became the highlights of their week. Tim did joke on Brian, making fun of him for hitting on a guy ten years younger than them but even then Tim had to admit that M/n was kind of cute. Despite the fact that he tried to come off laid back, his demeanor failed him. He was nervous, easily flustered, and the graphic t-shirts he wore to work didn't help hide how dorky he was. Overall he reminded the two of them of... well... them when they were in college, and once that revelation was made Tim started making fun of Brian for being narcissistic. His accusations were thrown back at him soon enough when while high on sleep deprivation he let it slip that he didn't think M/n was that ugly.

Even though the three acted like friends the layer of suspicion that laced their conversations was ever present. Both parties held their tongue when it came to their skepticism but it was always there lurking in the back of their minds. M/n seemed nice enough but was overqualified for his job and sketchy at best. The "janitors closet" behind the register was locked up tight, his car was too nice for his paycheck, and when they saw him he always looked more beaten up than last time. On top of all that he seemed a little too comfortable with blood.

M/n's scepticism was more rooted in past interactions. The things that came out of the forest this far out of town didn't speak, usually they weren't even human. Sal had been a welcomed exception, but now there's two normal looking well taken care of grown men coming into his store regularly. They weren't unwanted, not at all, but from his experience the human race was the worst that could walk through those front doors.

"Hey handsome."

"Brian." M/n nodded, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie as he yawned. "Where's Tim?" He asked as the guy was nowhere to be seen.

"He passed out in the truck..." Brian trailed off as his eyes began to trace over the bruise decorating M/n's right eye. It danced across his cheek bone and seemed to point towards his busted lip. "We saw you yesterday kid, what the hell happened?"

"Work stuff." He smiled.

Brian could only shake his head and sigh. "Am I ever gonna get a straight answer from you?"

"Am I ever gonna get a ride in the back of your pickup?"

He chuckled. "No."

"Then no."

"Fair enough." His hand reached out to softly trace the bruise with his thumb, brushing away any hair that might've covered the mark. "Is it usually this bad?"

M/n's head shook as he leaned into the palm of his hand. "Can't tell you how many times I've been shot at."

"Neither can I." They stayed like that for a bit, enjoying the silence together but the content look on M/n's face even as he talked about being shot at hurt Brian's heart. As someone who was in his shoes once and is still technically in them he felt that no one deserved that shit. Especially someone as young as M/n. Finally pulling away, he stuffed his hands back into his pockets. "Anyways, Sally stop by today?"

"Like always. She gave me a leaf."

"She's been gifting her leaf collection off for a while now. I think she's making room for her rock collection." He chuckled.

"Well now I feel less special." M/n huffed making Brian laugh a little louder.

"Don't feel too bad, Toby was just as upset when he found out."

"How many of you are there." He scoffed.

"A lot."

M/n sighed. "I'm gonna have so much restocking to do."

"You'll be fine." Brian patted his shoulder and walked to the coffee making station.

"If you're gonna make Tim coffee too I got him that hazelnut creamer he likes."

"You what?"

"Yeah, I hear him whining about it whenever he makes his coffee." M/n opened and reached into the mini fridge under his counter. He placed the creamer carton on the glass surface and as Brian grabbed it he yawned again.

"Thanks? I'm sure he'll appreciate it." He turned to continue making their coffees but paused mid step and turned back around. "You know you didn't have to do that."


"Buy shit for us. Minimum wage sucks, you—"

"My pay's a lot more than minimum wage."

"... Am I just gonna have to accept that without question too?"

"Am I still not getting a ride in the back of your pickup?"

Brian shook his head and laughed. "Yeah, you're not."

M/n only shrugged, as if he were saying 'point made then.' Brian, still smiling, rolled his eyes and went back to the coffee station with the creamer in his hands. As he made the coffees he'd occasionally glance over to M/n who had put his head down on the counter in front of him, Brian could only sigh. Holding the coffees in one hand, he buried his hand in M/n's hair which elicited a content hum.

"You're really tuckered out, handsome."

"Fucking tell me about it." He huffed, sitting up straight. "Had to work overtime yesterday."

"Can't call out early?"

"Nope." He shook his head as he rang him up. "The job pays well but the hours are strict."

"You poor thing."

"Don't patronize me Brian." They both snickered. M/n separating Brian's money into the register before accepting his usual tip.

"I'll see you soon, M/n"

"You too Brian." He smiled as Brian left but it dropped soon after the glass doors shut behind him. His head fell back on the cold counter top, a part of him praying that his five-am timer would just never go off. The job's been rough lately and he couldn't help but feel his stomach drop as the twenty minutes he had to himself flew by in no time and the sound of his timer rang through the building mixed with the jingle of the bell connected to the doors as it was thrown open.

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