Not Today

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[Happy Halloween to the queers, the goths, and everyone who wore those purge girl costumes. And just Halloween to everyone else ig 😒]

When M/n woke up to the stale white walls, crisp hospital smell, and the sound of beeping medical equipment he breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't dead, not yet. As he blinked the sleep from his eyes he felt a cold hand clasp his own and he glanced over towards his mom. She had obviously been crying, her eyeliner and mascara running thin and smudged against the edges of her eyes. Her foundation had streaked along her cheeks where her tears had fallen down her face and a crumpled tissue was squeezed in the hand that wasn't holding his. Across from him standing by the door was his step dad, who seemed just as distraught in his own way.

"You two look like shit." Was the first thing he said. It earned him a smack on the shoulder from his mom and weak chuckle from his dad. As he chuckled Frank ran a hand through his thin grey hair and took a seat next to the hospital bed across from his wife.

"Look who's talking, maybe you should get your hands on a mirror first before start talking smack." His mom retorted, huffing through her nose before she began to wipe at her eyes with the tissue.

"She's right, you know."

"Oh cut me some slack." The more he spoke the more his exhaustion and the raspiness was audible. Frank handed him a plastic water bottle after twisting the cap off for him. There was a silent thank you as M/n shot him a look. While he drank half the bottle his mom sighed.

"You don't know how worried we were."

"Frank? Worried? Impossible." He mumbled as he fumbled to twist the cap back on by himself. At the use of his first name his dad couldn't help but raise a brow.

"You're definitely a little out of it, son."

"Ooh," He sucked in air through his teeth as if he just realized what he said. "Yeah, I'm sorry dad."

"No, don't apologize. I'm not mad." He chuckled. "It's like when we had his molars pulled all those years ago." He said as he looked to his wife, watching her laugh at the memory. M/n tried to join in but it quickly ended in a pained groan. The flexing of his stomach as he began to laugh tugged at his stitches and the pain medication he was given didn't feel like it was working right.

"Aw baby." His mom cooed, running the back of her knuckle along his cheek.

Just then a nurse had walked in, smiling at the three. She apologized for the intrusion before explaining that the authorities were waiting for M/n to wake up so they could begin questioning. She left after letting them know that she was obligated to notify them now and that they'll be there in just a few minutes. She'd be back too with a doctor in tow just to make sure everything was alright. It frustrated M/n's mother, she knew they'd be kicked out of the hospital room once they got there and all she wanted to do was hold onto her baby for the next few days. Frank on the other hand scoffed, running his hand over his mouth, his fingers grazing over the shape of his moustache before turning back to his step son.

"I guess we'll have to postpone that fishing trip..." he did his best to lighten the mood but the lingering question in the back of his mind was persistent. "What happened to you, bud?"


"I'm allowed to ask." He threw his hands up in defense as his wife shot him a glare.

"Stupid fucking druggies." Was all M/n wanted to say on the matter. Frank respected that, he didn't push for anymore information. Instead he nodded and pursed his lips together in thought. "They tell you what it says?" He asked without thinking. Both of his parents shot him look that told him they knew nothing. He shook his head. "Forget it."


"C'mon, sweetheart. We should leave it. He's been through a lot."

She paused, sighing as she nodded and stood, before pulling her purse onto her shoulder. She bent over the bed and pressed a kiss to his cheek while she squeezed him close a bit awkwardly given the odd angle. Frank stood up as well, watching them embrace each other till his wife finally pulled away. He took the chance to pat M/n's shoulder and give him a little smooch to the top of his head. Nodding to him as they both walked away content with their silent goodbyes.

After the police came and went, taking his rather short statement and even shorter witness descriptions Toby was the only visitor to show up. He came in hours later with his hood off, twisting his hands together nervously as he looked down either side of the hall outside M/n's hospital room before shutting the door. He tossed his typically shitty demeanor immediately, mumbling as he made his way to his bedside. "Oh my- mmm-my god." Once he was close enough he held onto his face and pressed his lips into the top of his head. "Oh my go-od. I can't fucking believe iii-it-it."

He held onto him for a good minute, his thumbs caressing his jaw and his breathing gradually getting slower. Despite seeming pretty not-jerky when he walked in, as he calmed down he'd tic occasionally, like his brain was so caught up on M/n's well-being that it only remembered his condition just now. M/n didn't know how uncomfortable it was for Toby, but he kind of liked how as he ticked his nose would squish into his head. "I'm so- so gla-ad you're alive."

He pulled away to see M/n's shit eating grin, and he immediately frowned, cocking a brow as if he were asking him what was so amusing.

"You looooove me." He cooed. Rubbing Toby's forearm with his thumb, his hand already squeezed around his wrist from when he had grabbed him right as Toby initially leaned over him.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes before admitting anything. "Your stores swarmed with police. I couldn't not be even mildly connn-con-concerned."

"You love me." This time he said it more matter of factly, he wanted Toby to know he knew.

Toby just shook his head, scoffing, about to roll his eyes when M/n squeezed his wrist. He looked down to see him smiling up at him. "Do me a favor, lover boy." He flushed pink and nodded. "Tell me what it says." As he spoke he pulled the blanket off his torso and moved his hospital gown to the side. There was gauze tapped against the majority of his stomach, from a few inches below his right peck to just above his hip. It took him a minute to pull back the tape and when it finally gave way enough for him to read the message there was an obvious feeling of fear behind his eyes.

"Qu-quu-quit- quit running. I'll do- I'll do worse." His eyes flickered from M/n's face to his stitched up injury before he reapplied the gauze. He watched as M/n slipped his gown back over his torso and sigh. "Whhh-who was it?"

"Jane and Natalie."


M/n nodded. Scooting more to his right before patting the bed next to him. Toby climbed in without much hesitation. He hated hospitals, he'd been even more nervous ever since he got here, so curling up next to M/n sounded like heaven to his fried nerves and knotted stomach. As he settled in next to him, he felt one of M/n's arms slither under his waist, and as much as he disliked being the little spoon he appreciated not having to navigate around his injuries. M/n's beaten up face buried itself into the crook of his neck, inhaling his shampoo while Toby began to softly scratch his scalp.

"Be-en was wiii-with me when we found your store had been- had been turned into a crime scene."

"Is he the one who found out what hospital I was in."

"Nnn-no I just assu-umed you were in the only hospital in town."

M/n chuckled, pulling him closer. "Does anyone else Know?"

"Jeff may-maybe. I don't know if Ben actually mentioned it to him or not."

M/n hummed, ending their conversation there and in only a few minutes the both of them had fallen asleep. M/n wasn't exactly interested in seeing Jeff after this particular encounter, he knew about the dangers of stds but he never once thought that anything like this would happen as a direct result of his one night stand. It was a rather unwelcome surprise if he was being honest, and if he had any chance of keeping it from happening again he'd take it. But just because he didn't want to see Jeff didn't mean Jeff wasn't going to see him. He is Jeff after all.

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