No! Lesbians, No!

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Well, that didn't exactly go as planned. Not that he had really planned for them to meet up in person anyways. When he was first contacted by Jane it was a strictly digital relationship. If you consider thinly veiled threats and the occasional piece of advice a relationship. This however was a spur of the moment type thing. Although getting jumped in the middle of work wasn't something he was estranged from, It had been a while, and their interaction had started off so polite. How was he supposed to know that in just a few minutes he'd be bound and gagged while Jane carved something into his abdomen.

Out of every strange injury and weird scar that freckled his body, he was sure this was gonna be one of the more interesting stories. All he could do was grit and bare it, no point in trying to wriggle out now since Jane made it pretty clear she didn't plan on killing him. Clockwork even noted how complacent he was while being turned into a flesh note. He'd occasionally grunt and twitch, throwing his head forward before letting it fall back onto the tile floor. Maybe giving himself a pounding headache would distract him from the switchblade digging into his stomach. Probably not, but it was worth a try. She could've been writing just a word or two but it didn't matter, it felt like the American constitution was being transcripted along his skin.

"For a guy who throws punches like that you'd think you wouldn't go down so easy." Natalie chuckled, a bruise already beginning to flower across her cheekbone. To be fair, she was strong as shit for someone who's diet consisted of hot pockets and monster. He put up a good fight, there was just something about her. Like the only thing that fueled her was rage and boobs. Nothing can beat that.

"Don't tease him." Jane said humorlessly before pursing her lips and glancing up at M/n's face. "I'm sorry for making you our personal courier, I really am." She cooed. "But you've got to understand, nothing gets through Jeff's thick skull."

Natalie scoffed, agreeing with her wholeheartedly as she seemed to reminisce on their past attempts. Her hands on M/n's shoulders, pinning him to the floor, adjusted for half a second so she could sit on her knees and it gave M/n a great view of the blinding fluorescent lights above him. He was joking but at this point he probably would end up with a headache.

"I thought marking his property might finally get his attention." M/n shouted something, a retort that had been muffled by the rag in his mouth. It was unintelligible but Jane was polite enough to ungag him for the time being. "What was that?"

"I am not that kinky!" Not like he knows that for sure, or even has that figured out. In all honesty he hoped his strange attraction to Liu's hand around his throat was more of a psychological defect than a sexual thing, but who knows.

Jane just smiled and stuffed the rag back in his mouth, and he couldn't help but regret his fat mouth considering it led to his chomper freedom being rather short-lived. He sighed through his nose as she let his shirt fall back down against his abdomen, and he could feel his blood soaking through it keeping the fabric taught to his skin. It was uncomfortable, of course the pain was bad but the wet cotton just made him feel... icky. He groaned in protest but was only met with soft, condescending shushing from Natalie, like how you'd comfort a whining dog. Jane took a more physical approach, and even though she was joking it felt kind of nice. She rubbed circles into his hip before patting it as the both of them stood up.

M/n couldn't help but think that if he weren't gay he might've liked that.

Natalie walked over to the cash register, looking to Jane as if she were asking for permission before grabbing the register and throwing it to the ground. Busting it open was easy enough, but M/n was more focused on how she just chucked a forty pound piece of machinery like it was fucking nothing than the fact that he was being robbed. She grabbed the little cash that was in there, pocketing it as she mumbled.

"We'll be taking this..."

The two walked towards the exit of the store, Jane giving M/n a final lingering look. She had this look of remorse that morphed into something indescribable, like she was fighting with herself over the morality of her actions. As she finally left M/n breathed a sigh of relief, his nostrils flaring as he let exhaustion take him. Being a living notepad proved to be taxing work, and even if he wanted to get up the searing hot pain that ached through his stomach every time he tried to move certainly dampered any attempt. He stared out the glass doors with glossy eyes, watching as the horizon over the trees got lighter.

Vic would be here in just a few hours to take on the day shift and she was in for quite the surprise. He only hoped that the shock of it all didn't induce her labour.

It didn't, thankfully, but hours later when she shoved open the door to the establishment and saw M/n unconscious and laying in a pool of his own blood she screamed loud enough to wake half the town. It took her minutes to compose herself enough to dial emergency services and when she did she was hysterical. All in all it was a mess. She was too shaky to properly stop the bleeding, or untie his binds, but she was able to pull the gag from his mouth and make sure he was still alive.

By the time the paramedics had him cut free on a stretcher she was being escorted away by her husband and fellow officers. As selfish as it was, and she did care about M/n's well-being don't get me wrong, all Vic could think about was finally getting that fucking maternity leave.

Cashiering isn't so bad [Creepypasta/Marble Hornets x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now