Family Reunion?

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Two weeks had passed and M/n hadn't heard anything from Brian or Tim. Part of him felt like they recognized he wasn't worth the trouble, part of him felt like they were about to do something really stupid. Like... Jeff levels of stupid. Deep down he knew he was wrong but he still couldn't shake the feeling, like a tick infesting his head. He especially knew no one could reach Jeff levels of stupidity, it was impossible for anyone who isn't Jeff.

Speaking of Jeff, America's most wanted burn victim, he developed the habit of breaking into M/n's house to chill out after he was first invited. Considering M/n wasn't even home half the time it took a while for him to realize Jeff was squatting. It led to some interesting encounters, the first time he found him he was crouching on his counter next to his sink as he ate his leftover pizza, but eventually M/n just accepted it. It was like having a bummy roommate. Definitely not the worst.

That night they sat on M/n's couch, beer bottles piled in the trash and their second six pack almost gone. M/n planned on starting his weekend good, but he never imagined himself getting shit faced with Jeff. It proved surprisingly fun, he was having a pretty good time. He just couldn't tell if he was still having fun after Jeff grabbed him by his hips and guided him onto his lap, straddling his thighs with his hands on Jeff's shoulders to stabilize himself.

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

"... yes."

His lips curled up into a shit eating grin. "It's working." Yeah, nevermind, he's definitely still having fun.

Jeff laughed. Pushing him down onto his lap completely so their faces were only inches apart. "I have to ask, big guy, when was the last time you were taken care of." He asked in an almost mocking tone, any genuine curiosity being overpowered by the prickish teasing that was always in the back of his voice.

Knowing what was being implied, M/n chuckled and for the first time in a while Jeff got goosebumps. "Two years, but at least I still know what I'm doing." The gap between them became gradually smaller.

For M/n the rest of the night was a blur, bits and pieces of acts he'd never admit to participating in— until a later chapter where I use it for drama— peppered his memory and came to him slowly the next morning. He woke up hungover, his stomach aching and his knees weak. It took him a little over an hour to muster up the will to go shower and as soon as he got out of bed he regretted it.

Thank god it's Saturday.

His hands ran through his hair as he replayed the series of events from the past few months. He has a ghost niece, an anonymous sugar daddy, two literal daddy's, and Jeff. It's so weird to think about how... quiet his life was, and it was so hard not to shudder as more memories of the night before resurfaced. Only for him to rebury them later with the last of his dignity.

After struggling out of the shower he pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and one of his ex-boyfriend's shirts. Throwing decency out of the window considering he lived alone— well as long as you don't count the recent Jeff-infestation. The Jeffestation.

He hobbled into his hallway, planning on making himself coffee with the keurig sitting on his kitchen counter, but the sound of rustling stopped him. He sighed, rubbing his face with both hands as he tried to rid the sleep and embarrassment from his eyes. Used to it at this point he didn't bother to look for what was in his kitchen, he didn't want to accidentally make eye contact with him.

"Listen, last night was fun but I think we should never do that again—" he was cut off as someone grabbed him and slammed into the wall next to him, their hand around his throat, and he very quickly came to the conclusion that Jeff does not take one night stands very well. A bit hypocritical.

"Where is he?!"

Not Jeff, definitely not Jeff.

"I don't know what the fuck your talking about!" He yelled, shoving his assailant back but it was like pushing a brick wall. He glared at whoever had him pinned. It took a second for it to click, he knew he wasn't Jeff but he looked remarkably similar. Just with less burns and a better taste in fashion. His eyes glanced over the thin scars decorating his face and neck, a few old stitches here and there left unremoved.

"Yes you do! Where's my brother, asshole!?." Then it clicked.

"Why would I know?!"

"Why wouldn't you?!"

"I barely know anything about him, you think he'd invite me to his house warming party?! Lemme just write you the address!"

"Watch your tone." Liu's voice shifted, it was deeper now, and it almost sounded like he had been smoking a pack a day for the past few years. He shivered, pressing himself against the wall as much as he could as Liu's grip on his throat shifted. Instead of cutting off his air supply it pinched the nerves in the side of his neck, he felt his head getting light and grabbed Liu's wrist as he struggled to continue standing. It's funny, it felt like he wasn't talking to Liu anymore.

He pushed M/n lower so he could lean over him, grinning like an asshole as M/n struggled to hold himself up with his shaking legs.

"Good boy," the same deep voice purred. "Now tell me where he is."

"I- I really don't know, I swear to god. I just know he stops by uninvited."

"God you're useless." He mumbled. The hand around his neck grew tighter and he couldn't help but whimper. He swallowed hard and tried to stand back up but Liu's grip was tight. "Last time. Where. Is. Jeff?"

More struggling ensued but it was clearly pointless. He whimpered some more and was only met with Liu's grip tightening to a point where he felt like his neck would snap under the pressure. It was only a threat, and his grip loosened again. "F..." he tried to speak but interrupted himself with a gasp.

"That's right, cough it up."

"Go fuck yourself—" his grip tightened again and Liu knew he had knocked him out once his eyes finally rolled into the back of his head.

He hummed in disappointment, tongue clicking three times in quick succession. "What a brat."

M/n woke up a few hours later with the worst migraine of his life. He missed being hungover, that was better. He struggled to push himself up, realizing he was laying on the couch rather than his living room floor. He even had a blanket lazily thrown over him. He was ready to accept that it was all a nightmare, a really vivid and kind of horny nightmare, but the note on his coffee table said otherwise.

"I'm sorry, :(


Cashiering isn't so bad [Creepypasta/Marble Hornets x Male reader]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara