Just Listen

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M/n didn't think he was that impulsive. He felt like he was a generally well thought out type of guy. Whether that's true or not is still up in the air right now I guess, but he tries. I mean he genuinely never really considered himself reckless. In his opinion he was very level headed.

   Unless he's running off of no sleep after getting off of an eight hour shift.

   And Liu learned that the hard way when the gag-inducing snapping noise of his nose rang through the quiet apartment after M/n's shoe made contact with it. He was so surprised that he didn't even make a noise other than the short grunt that fell from his mouth as he brought his hands up to cup his nose. He stared down at the shoe with wide eyes, almost refusing to believe that that had even happened if it wasn't for the pain from his nose flooding into his temples. It wasn't until he heard a gun cocking that he turned back to look at M/n and found a revolver staring at him instead.

   It was tense, and Liu was this close to shitting himself, but through the fear he managed to tilt his head up and peer at M/n. He also looked like he was about to shit himself, and in a way that comforted Liu just a little bit. Neither of them were in any position to fight, there were droplets of fresh blood puddling together on Liu's scarf from his clearly broken nose, and M/n looked like he was seconds away from fainting. Minutes seemed to pass and with a shared look of distress, and lingering distrust M/n pulled the gun away, running his thumb over the safety button a few times before it finally clicked. It gave him a few seconds to breathe while Liu slumped over and finally started to vocalize his pain.

   "What the hell are you doing here?" M/n asked, pocketing his gun as he leaned back against his kitchen counter.

   "To apologize, but then you broke my fucking nose!" Liu's whiny tone of voice ended up obscured and muffled by his hand.

   "You broke into my house!"

   "Okay and?!"

   "You tried to kill me!"

   "I did not, it was assault and you know it!"

   M/n mocked him, rolling his eyes as he walked deeper into his apartment. Coming back with a first aid kit and some pain killers. After turning on a few lights he situated himself on the couch next to him and started to examine the damage. If they were in any other situation Liu might've gotten flustered at their closeness, the feeling of M/n's breath brushing across his neck was foreign, and the way his fingers caressed his jaw as he guided his face in different directions was rooted in a gentleness he hadn't experienced since his mom died, but considering his nose was broken he couldn't really focus much on the butterflies in his stomach.

   "Is it broken?"

   "Yeah... whoops?" Liu scoffed at his nonchalance but listened to his analysis nonetheless. "It was a pretty clean break, luckily. All I should have to do is..." swiftly with his good hand he grabbed his nose and snapped it back in place. "That! And we're good!"

   Liu yelped in pain, glaring at M/n as he placed his hands over his nose again in a piss poor attempt to soothe the pain. "What the hell!?"

   M/n shrugged and opened the kit sitting in his lap. He pulled out what looked like a little white bandage, and swatted at Liu's hands. After a not so gentle application he pulled away, sliding the box of first aid equipment onto his coffee table and tossing the pill bottle in Liu's general direction.

   It took him a second but as he ran his fingers softly over the "bandage" Liu realized what it was. "Why do you have a nose cast?" He asked as popped two pills dry.

   "It's called a nasal splint." M/n yawned, letting his head fall back onto his couch. "And it's a long story."

   "I've got time."

   "I don't."

   Liu watched him nod off, his eyes growing unfocused and glossy. He squinted at him and sighed, pulling his arm over his shoulder and bringing him to his bedroom. He knew he must've been really out of it, he didn't even flinch when Liu started touching him, let alone pull away at all as he steadied him.

   "We'll talk tomorrow." He said sternly.

   "Psh." M/n scoffed, "you sound like my mother."

   Liu didn't respond, verbally at least, instead of a smart ass response he rolled his eyes and turned on his heel. Leaving the room without much haste and flopping down on M/n's shitty couch. Laying back with a single thought.

   'Tough night.'

   The next morning M/n woke up, forgetting the previous events till he walked in on Liu still on his couch. He had ditched his scarf and fancy brown jacket, opting to lounge in something more comfortable while he waited for M/n to wake up, M/n on the other hand opted to wear no shirt at all. To be fair he did forget it had even happened, he figured it was safe to wander around his house in just a pair of sweats.

   Much like his brother Liu was a bit speechless as he eyed M/n's torso. Liu just had much gayer motives. Instead of only eyeing the scars that peppered the vast expanse of skin he also gandered at every bump and ridge from his stomach to his chest. Finally landing on his face he managed a fake look of confusion, to which M/n responded rather exasperated.

   "I live here! I can dress how I like!"

   Liu held his hands up in surrender. Watching him from his spot on the couch as he walked into the kitchen and started making coffee, Liu thought about how he was gonna try and word things. Neither him or Jeff were very charismatic, not to mention how out of practice he probably was.

   Finally he opened his mouth to talk and without so much as a syllable coming out M/n shut him down. "I don't want to hear it. Not until this is finished." He pointed at his keurig without sparing a glance in Liu's direction and Liu couldn't help put scoff in either offense or astonishment. "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to hear whatever lame excuse you have for breaking into my house and strangling me, but unless I drink something caffeinated it'll all be gibberish."

   As much as he wanted to, and believe me he really wanted to, Liu couldn't be too mad. He had a point. So he sat with his hands awkwardly stuffed in his pockets waiting impatiently for M/n to hear him out. Because boy... was he in for a doozy.

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