Doctors In

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Real days off seemed few and far between nowadays. Even if M/n was off work he'd still come home to find one of the two brothers there waiting for him. Liu had the common decency to wait OUTSIDE his apartment, while Jeff was still squatting in his living room occasionally like an NYC basement rat. Oddly enough they never seemed to cross paths. I mean it had been like a month since Liu and M/n became buddies and neither of the brothers had mentioned anything about bumping into the other. M/n wasn't gonna pry, he didn't care.

   When M/n came home to find his apartment lacking a lanky hispanic man he breathed a sigh of relief. He really needed to sleep. Being the night shift had taken a noticeable toll on him. Not just physically but mentally too. It felt like no matter how much he slept the dark bags under his eyes would always plague him. When he was younger it was frustrating but the older he got the less he cared about his appearance. It was pretty obvious, not a single dress shirt could be found in the pile of clothes on his desk chair, he couldn't remember the last time he got his hair cut professionally. Not that it bothered him, he thought he made for a pretty decent barber.

   Exhausted, m/n didn't have a lot of strength in him to follow up with a bedtime routine, barely managing to change into something more comfortable before falling back into his old mattress and passing out right then and there. It was a little pathetic, but just like with his looks as he got older the less it bothered him. In his final moments of consciousness he could feel his spine painfully relax into his bed and was SO happy that he wasn't going to be awake long enough to experience the rest of it.

   Irritatingly enough he only slept about a naps worth before the repetitive knocking at his front door got too loud and too frantic to ignore. Upset and exhausted he fumbled to get to his door before swinging it open. In front of him was Toby, surprisingly considering they had maybe interacted once since they first met, dirt and debris smudged his clothes and face. He was panting too, clearly distressed.

   Still just waking up M/n wasn't trying to be empathetic. "I was sleeping."

   "Iii- it's Twelve?"

   "And I work the night shift."

   "Rrrright." Toby admitted quietly.

   M/n rubbed the base of his palms against his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep still evident on his face. "How... the hell do you know where I live?"

   "I have- I ha-ve a friend. He kn-knows these things."

   The more M/n woke up the better he assessed Toby and with every snivel from the brunette he realized how fucked he looked. Specks of blood decorated... well... everything. It was hard to tell if it was his or someone else's, and with his history in consideration they were both feasible. He sniveled again and that was when M/n realized he was crying.

   Panicking a little, M/n pulled him into his apartment by the arm he was using to wipe his face and started cooing at him as he led him into his bathroom.

   "Hey, hey. No, it's okay." He tried to console him. "Everythings gonna be okay, alright?" He helped him sit up on the rim of his sink before leaning back against the opposite wall. "I just need you to tell me what's wrong?"

   "I-I fell, and nnn-now I'm bleeding buuu-ut I don't know where. I think I dislocated mmm-my shhh-shoulder." He jerked his head to the side and wiped his face with what M/n assumed was his good hand. "Buu-ut I have CIPA and I can't- I can't tell."

   M/n nodded. "Okay, that's fine. I can fix that." M/n took a step forward and unzipped his hoodie and as he slipped it off his body he realized just how much he was swallowed by it. He recognized he was thin, but this was a little ridiculous, M/n could wrap his hand around his wrist and his fingers would overlap. He didn't mention it, of course, but it was something he took note of. Pulling off his t-shirt next, he noticed a puncture wound in his abdomen. Like someone stuck him with an ice pick. He huffed once he noticed how torn it was, probably stretched from physical activity, Toby didn't know it was there so he definitely wasn't being cautious. "Jesus Toby..."

   "Tim- Tim is gonna kill me."

   "No ones gonna kill you." He grabbed his first aid kit from under the sink and began to clean his room. He was so used to people wincing, flinching, and grunting that Toby's lack of a reaction unnerved him to no end. He'd tic and his head would be thrown to the side but it wasn't a usual pain reaction so it wasn't helping. After stitching it up and dressing it he finally turned to Toby's shoulder and lightly applied pressure, watching it move clearly out of socket. He adjusted his arm into a position that would make popping it back into its socket much easier but was distracted when he felt Toby jolt forward and lightly bite his shoulder.

   "Sorry." Toby  said sheepishly as he pulled back.

   "It's okay." His reassurance was short as he adjusted his arm again before, in one swift motion, popping it back in place. They both leaned back with a heavy sigh. Just idling for a moment before either of them said anything.


   "Mhm. Don't try and punch or pick anything up with that arm for a while, okay?"

   Toby nodded, watching as he packed up his first aid kit and slipped it back under his sink.

   "Just try and avoid overexertion in general. I don't need you tearing your stitches." 

   He nodded a second time, catching the wash rag that was thrown to him by M/n who had yoinked it from the towel rack beside him. "Wh-what's this for?"

   "Wash up, I'll bring you new clothes." Toby watched him leave before hopping off the sink and running warm water over the rag.

   Later, after M/n brought him new clothes, he stumbled out of the bathroom similarly to how M/n stumbled out earlier. The only difference being instead of exhaustion it was because his clothes were too damn big. His pant legs had to be rolled up in order for him to walk right and when M/n got a glimpse of him from his couch he couldn't help but laugh.

   Toby seemed rather unimpressed. He slapped his shoulder and he only laughed harder. They sat together on M/n's old shitty couch, silently in each other's company. It wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't exactly peaceful either, even so considering the days they had they let it settle.

   "Who's your plug?" M/n eventually asked.


   "Yeah, your info guy."

   "Oh." Toby thought for a second, twirling the string of the hoodie M/n gave him around his finger. "A friend, his name is Ben."

   "As in Bentley?"

   "Y-yeah? How do you-"


   "Of course." Toby nodded.

   M/n didn't exactly like Toby at first, let's be honest he probably still doesn't really like him, but today wasn't all that bad. Although he didn't like how he was turning into a mafia doctor, not that he had much of a say in it, or how his address felt like it was being handed out like a realestate agents business card, but he didn't have much of a say in that either. He doesn't get to have a say in a lot actually.

Cashiering isn't so bad [Creepypasta/Marble Hornets x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now