Not So Bad Company

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M/n and Jeff sat quietly in the middle of the parking lot, both out of breath, sweating, and squinting at the sun as it peered over the horizon. Dawn. A laugh broke their silence, escaping M/n's lips as he shook his head. It took Jeff a second, not exactly registering what was so funny as he glanced towards the h/c-ette to his left when it clicked. He joined him as he scoffed through his nose, nostrils flaring. They had been playing a game of cat and mouse for almost three hours. Three hours, and both of them had the accompanying exhaustion to show for it.

   "Well, that was fun." He breathed out, something not unlike a sigh of relief but much more pained escaped him. His lungs heaved, waiting impatiently to be restored or to restore themselves. To ease his pain he rather ungracefully fell back on to the poorly paved parking lot ground.

   Jeff seemed to laugh a little harder. His mouth opened as he was just about to say something when tires against the pavement caught both of their attentions. In the distance a small red car grew closer, approaching at its leisure.

   M/n sighed before it was abruptly cut off by a yawn. "That's my coworker's clown car, morning shifts here to relieve me of my duty." He stood up, just as ungracefully as when he flopped down, cradling his chest in his unbroken arm. "You should probably run... off." Looking behind him he saw that Jeff didn't need any advice, he was already long gone.

   M/n watched as his coworker pulled up to where he stood in the parking lot. She eyed him carefully, slowly rolling down her window as she sipped on a Dunkin' Donuts coffee in her hand.

   "You look like shit."

   "Thanks Vic."

   "What happened?" As she asked M/n couldn't help but yawn again.

   "I got chased by a fucking raccoon."

   She cackled, rolling her window back up just as M/n shot her a mocking glare. He sluggishly walked off towards his own car with one last wave goodbye, no longer cradling his chest as the pain seemed to be finally dissipating with every second.

   He got into his car with a soft groan that he found caught in his throat once he made eye contact with someone from his rear view mirror. His head whipped to the side and lounging in his backseat was Jeff with a bag of trailmix he hid under his passenger seat.

   "Hey sexy, where we headed?"

   "Why are you in my car?"

   "What's it look like? I'm hitching a ride."

   M/n was flabbergasted, he could only sit silently for the next minute even though internally he was shouting at the top of his lungs. He weighed his options and knew he wasn't built for track so he sucked it up and with a sigh he pulled out of the parking lot.

   "We're going to my moms for breakfast." He jolted as Jeff kicked his seat.

   "Hey dumbass, I don't know if its hit you yet but I'm wanted. I don't need to be shown off to a civilian that'll go squealing to the pigs once the coast is clear."

   "Hey dumbass," M/n mocked him. "My mom's blind."

   "Ooh." He mumbled, barely above a whisper as he slumped back into his seat. He seemed to nod a little as if finally agreeing to go as he resumed stuffing his face with M/n's trailmix stash.

   "We there yet?"


   "... we there—"

   "No!" He scoffed eventually letting it melt into a soft chuckle, Jeff snickering along with him. "It's a twenty minute ride! Keep your pants on."

   "I'm trying," he groaned, spreading out against the rest of the seats so he could finally stretch. "But it's hard."

   A heavy silence hung over the two of them for a good Thirty seconds before Jeff finally cut it rather predictably.

   "That's what she said." He chuckled to himself

   M/n only scoffed, it finally dawning on him that he's stuck in his car with a serial killer. But that thought left as quick as it came when he was reminded of an incident that happened years ago at his convenience store. Something came through his glass doors that night that convinced him that no matter how bad it got, nothing would ever match that experience. Nothing could even come close.

   "So, what's mamá making?" Jeff interrupted his thoughts just as the ringing in his ears started to overwhelm his other senses, and it startled him back to reality.

    "I, uhm, oh—" M/n's labored breathing became audible, causing Jeff to peer over at him with furrowed brows.

   "Chill, it's not like I'm interrogating you kid. What happened?"

   "Nothing, just give me a second."

   "Need any help."

   "No, I'm fine, I just— I-" his breathing became more and more erratic and he clumsily pulled over on the relatively empty street. His non-dominant hand grasping his shirt over his heart.

   He felt one hand grab onto the back of his seat and another grab his shoulder. It wasn't threatening or too tight or anything, but it was clearly from someone who wasn't all that experienced in the whole "affection" thing. Jeff tried his best, hesitantly patting M/n's shoulder as he tried to form a sentence.

   "Jesus Christ, I wasn't planning on killing you yet kid, get a hold of yourself." A little harsh but at least he was being direct about it.

   M/n shook his head, swallowing a lump in his throat as he tried to regulate his breathing. "It's not you, I just— I'm sorry."

   "Yeah, I'm not interested in hearing about your tragic backstory, save it for a different love interest." Jeff said, pulling away so he could angle himself before climbing between the two front seats so he could settle down next to M/n.

   "What... the fuck are you talking about?" M/n went from looking terrified to utterly dumbfounded in only a few seconds.

   "Not the point. Would you get your shit together?"

   "I'm getting there, don't rush me!" It took him a minute but M/n's heart finally calmed down to accompany his lungs, letting him slump down in his seat as he took a second to try and shake the thoughts from his head as he ran a hand through his hair. Finally he pushed himself back up and led his car back onto the road, pulling Jeff from his own thoughts.

   Jeff looked over with a mock smile, fixing his own hair as he snickered through his nose.

   "Would you look at that, you actually pulled it together."

   "No thanks to you."

   "I tried!"

   "I didn't notice!"

   More silence hung in the air before they both quietly chuckled with each other. It was weird but for the first time in a while Jeff seemed to actually enjoy the company he found himself stuck with, even if he was an ass at showing it.

   "Anyways, do you know what your madre's cooking or not?"

   And an ass he was.

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