"crying over someone who doesn't exist"

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The boys woke at 8:15 the following morning.

"Shit! Guys, Rowan's thing started 15 minutes ago!" Adam yelled as they jumped up and out the door in hopes of making it in time to see her.

"I thought we set an alarm," McGill grumbled, still in a daze while stuffing his foot in a shoe.

"We did."

They sprinted into the rink and through the halls until they found the correct arena.

"Hey, kids. No running in here!" A worker shouted after them.

"We're gonna miss his girl's number!" McGill yelled, looking back as he kept up his pace.

"She's not my girl!"

Luckily, Rowan hadn't gone yet. They waited for about 30 minutes until she performed. She ended up taking 2nd in her division.

"Nice bed head, Banks," Rowan said, ruffling his hair. Adam quickly moved her hand off his head and placed his own there to hide the fact that he had no time to brush it this morning.

"What, were you guys late or something?" She laughed.

"No," They said in unison. 

"Right...okay. I'll see you guys at Adam's tonight. I have practice," She slowly spoke, clearly suspicious of the whole situation.

"Practice? You just had a whole show," Larson exclaimed.

"Well, if I placed second then there's something I ought to work on," She concluded before walking off.

"Who knew we were friends with a complete psycho," McGill muttered, examining the girl as she ran back to the ice. The others shook their heads in agreement.

"Hey, fancy seeing you three here," They turned their heads to the familiar voices of their hockey team.

"Wait, we don't have practice, right?", Larson asked, alarmed.

"No, we don't have practice," McGill answered, annoyed with the stupid question. But then shot a glance to the rest of the team that asked for confirmation.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Adam inquired.

"Just checking the hockey leaderboards -- looking out for the competition," Fanger answered.

"Why are you guys here?" King asked.

"Rowan had a figure skating thing," Larson said.

"Does that mean Banksie finally got the girl?" Adam shot Larson and McGill quick glares.

"Hey, don't look at us. It's not like you have been the most secretive or convincing person in the world," McGill defended.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious. You're like obsessed with her," Larson continued.

"Okay no, I'm not obsessed with her and I didn't 'get' her either," Adam informed everyone with irritation in his voice. "And I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon by her to talk about girls as objects."

"Well, we're rooting for you guys," Fanger shrugged before leaving with the rest of the team.

"Oh, we see your little blushies," McGill and Larson cooed, making kissy faces and pinching his cheeks.

"Let's go," Adam scoffed, leading them out of the building. 

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