"oh, it speaks"

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Rowan Pierce went through the stages of grief quite quickly. At first, she was sad. But now she was angry. There was so much hurt bottled up inside of her. Her friends watched as her tears became emotionless stares. If there was one thing Rowan was good at, it was holding a grudge.

She'd show Adam Banks what it meant to not matter to someone.

Adam Banks had never felt worse. As each day dragged by without her, he suffered more and more. He missed her. He missed her touch. He missed what they used to have.

It was breakfast, Rowan sat with Brady, Jenny, Mabel, and Harper. She shot invisible daggers into the back of Adam's head as he sat at a nearby table, talking to Amanda.

"Okay, Rowan, put the spoon down," Brady quickly said as he gently pulled it from her grip.

She had been aggressively holding the spoon onto the table, her knuckles turning white from all the pressure. "It's plastic. It's not gonna hurt anybody."

"Not usually. But by the looks of it, it's gonna kill someone," He replied.

"I can't believe I ever liked that piece of shit," She mumbled to her friends. 

It was clear to them that she was only angry because she didn't want to deal with the feeling of hurt anymore. They all stayed quiet as Adam got up and started towards their table.

"What is he doing?" Mabel whispered.

"Rowan, I've been trying to talk to you for days now, please?" He begged, leaning over the end of the large table.

Instantly she got up and left -- not being capable of baring a conversation with him.

"I don't think she wants to speak right now," Harper suggested.

"Just tell me when she's ready."

"I wouldn't hold your breath. It's gonna take a lot of time," Jenny told Adam. He nodded before walking in the direction Rowan left in.

"I miss when they were together. Amanda and Adam's names don't even sound cool together," Averman mumbled, watching the failed interaction from a distance. 

"Rowan has made it abundantly clear that they were never together," Julie sighed.

"I know but Radam is a much cooler name than...Amadam? Adamanda?. Radam just sounds so..." Goldberg explained, trying to find the right word. "...rad."

"Rowan, please just talk to me," Adam called, trying to chase her down the hallway.

"That's actually the last thing I'd want to do," She loudly said, not looking back at him.

"Oh, it speaks!"

"It wasn't planning on wasting its breath on you."

"But you're talking to me right now," He pointed out, his voice sounding hopeful.

"And I'm already regretting it," She stated, slamming her dorm room shut and locking it.

Adam took a deep sigh as he leaned his forehead against the wooden barrier that separated the two. "I've never felt this horrible before."

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