"i was never yours"

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Another girl. 

A brunette girl, holding his hand. 

Rowan felt her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach, shattering as it fell. Everything slipped into nothing. She couldn't peel her eyes off of the two -- off the way they looked at each other. It was the way she looked at Adam, the way he looked at her.

"Rowan..." Charlie quietly said as he watched her heartbreak next to him.

She didn't respond. She didn't even meet his gaze. Her eyes burned as tears pricked and blurred her vision. The dark-haired girl smiled at Adam, before leaving him alone at the entrance doors. He watched her walk away, with a look of happiness in his eyes.

That was until his sight fell on Rowan. She held eye contact with him -- he could see so much hurt and confusion all over her face. She searched his expression but found nothing.

It was Adam who broke the eye contact. He glanced down for just a moment, looking back up to see her turning away. "Rowan!"

She ran up the stairs and down the hall. But she wasn't quick enough, he grabbed onto her wrist as he caught up. "Can we talk?" He desperately asked her.

"Fine. Let's talk," She bitterly said, trying to steady her voice. "Who is she?"

"Amanda," He quietly answered.

"Amanda," She repeated, "And you lied to me. You've been lying to me for so long!"

"No, I-" Adam tried to deny, stepping closer to her.

"God, I feel so stupid! None of it made sense -- your pathetic 'team meetings' -- they were all just bullshit excuses!" She yelled, anger and pain lingering in her voice as she pushed his chest away from her.

"No, Rowan. You don't get to be upset," He said.

"I don't?" She scoffed. "So what? I should be thanking you for leading me on all this time?"

"You were never my girlfriend," Adam stated.

"You're right, Adam. I was never yours."

"Then why are you so mad? Why do you care so much -- caring like you matter to me!" He shouted, becoming angry with everything.

"Like I matter to you?" She quietly asked, searching his blue eyes for some sort of regret.

She'd never felt like this. It was as if all the pain in the world was being pushed on her at once. It felt like she was holding the world on her shoulders. Rowan felt tears float in her eyes again.

Adam said nothing.

Rowan shook her head, storming away from him. She wouldn't let Adam Banks see her cry.

She sobbed in every place in her room. Once she completely soaked her pillow, she moved over to the desk, breaking down all over again. There wasn't a sentence known to man that could describe what she was feeling. Adam's words played on repeat in her head. She didn't mean anything to him, while he was everything she knew, everything she thought she knew.

Rowan walked out of her room, still silently letting tears run down her cheeks. The heartbroken girl let her feet wander until she knocked on the door of another dorm, it opened to reveal Fulton Reed. "Rowan, what the hell happened?"

Dean came into view, pulled her into the room, and sat her down on Fulton's bed.

"He's been with another girl this whole time," She cried into her hands, covering her face.

"What?" Fulton asked.

"Adam. He's been with another girl -- Amanda."

Dean and Fulton shared a look before wrapping the girl into a hug.

"He's not worth the tears," Dean sympathetically said to her.

"I wish that was true."

"I'm gonna kill that guy," Fulton mumbled.

"No, don't. You guys are a team. That's more important than me," She told him.

"The second this competition is over, I'm gonna kill that guy," Fulton rephrased, getting an airy laugh out of Rowan.

Her tears never stopped that night. They flew down her cheeks for hours and hours. It didn't matter how much she told herself she would be okay -- she didn't believe it.

It was the heartbreak of letting Adam Banks go.

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