"i'm starving my balls off"

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Adam woke the following morning, dreading the upcoming awkwardness between him and Rowan. 

"Banks -- Breakfast in 5," Guy said, noticing the boy groggily sit up. 

"Alright," He responded, sliding out of bed and towards his suitcase. 

"You know you can unpack that thing, right?" Charlie joked, staring at the way it overflowed with shirts.

"I'll get around to it," Adam shrugged. "You guys ready to go?"

"Yeah," The two boys nodded, grabbing room keys as they headed to the cafeteria just a floor down.

They quickly spotted the crowd of their teammates -- Testing how many they could squeeze at just one table. "You can't fit 7 on each side." 

"Yes, we can!" Averman protested, practically sitting on Julie. 

"Les, it's designed for 4."

"We can make it work!"

The three shook their heads as Averman and Goldberg invited more of their friends to join.

"Where are you going?" Adam Banks suddenly questioned, turning to watch Rowan hurry in and out of the cafeteria for a bagel.

"I've got tryouts," She answered.

"For what? You're already on the team."

"I forgot you don't listen when I talk," Rowan sighed.

"Hey, I listen," Adam scoffed.

"There are different categories to the competition. Today, everyone shows their best skills in a free skate and our coach has to decide who's going to enter for what," She told him.

"How many categories are there?"

"Well, there's a boy single, girl single, one pair, and one couple skate."

"And I'm guessing you want the single," Adam assumed.

"That would be preferred," She confirmed.

"Tell me how it goes, okay?"

"You'll be the first to know."

"Got any plans with your boyfriend?"

"Not my boyfriend," Rowan glared back at her.

"Wait, I want to know who this mystery guy is," Mabel cut in -- Harper nodding her head in agreement.

"You can tell them, save me the embarrassment," Rowan sighed, keeping her gaze out the window.

"Basically, his name is Adam. Rowan lives right next to him in Minnesota. He's here for hockey. They're not dating but clearly like each other that it's painful," Jenny summarized. "Sound about right, Ro?"

"Unfortunately yeah," She confirmed, looking back at them. "Except maybe for the part about us liking each other. I'm still not sure how he feels."

"On a scale from 1-10 -- How much do you like this Adam guy?" Harper asked.


"I am invested," Matt spoke up.

"It's not as entertaining when you're living it," Rowan laughed.

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