"it matters to me"

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"I'm just saying, the movie would have been much better with a little more action." Matt Tocra suggested, followed by Rowan and Harper from their first-period history class.

"It was about the French Revolution, how much more action could there possibly be?" Harper questioned.

"A little more guillotine. It's logic, Harper. We've been learning about this for the last 2 years, the least they could do is give me that."

"I call bull on your logic."

"Rowan, back me up here will you?"

"I'll pass on that tempting offer." Rowan laughed, opening the cramped, blue locker to switch out history for a biology textbook. 

It was at this moment that the dean's office door opened, Adam and the entire J.V. team -- except Charlie and Fulton -- shuffling out of the room one after the other. At first, Rowan thought maybe there was another prank gone poorly, but by the ear-shattering silence coming from the group, she knew it was more. 

"What's that all about?" Matt questioned. 

"I don't know," Rowan answered, worriedly watching Adam as he rushed past her, his shoulder lightly grazing hers. "A, what's wrong?" 

No answer. He kept his strides quick and determined as he pushed himself through the nearest exit. 

"Matt, I think we should go to class," Harper suggested, picking up on Rowan's need to talk to him. 

"Yeah, ok." He agreed. 

They both sent Rowan sympathetic smiles as they slowly walked towards the math wing, leaving her in confusion just before Connie Moreau could fly into her arms. 

Connie's tears cloaked Rowan's neck as she cried hard, her words mixing in with her sobs. 

"Con, I don't understand. What is it?

"Oh Rowan, it's so awful!" Connie started, wiping her red cheeks as she pulled out of Rowan's grasp. "Hans passed away last night."

"Oh my God." Rowan gasped, her hands flying up to cover her shocked mouth. 

"I know, it's horrible. Everyone is just so upset, they are all going home. No one's even sure if Charlie or Fulton have found out yet. Oh, this whole thing is just such a mess!" She exclaimed. 

"She's right," Guy whispered as he approached the two girls. "I mean, No Charlie? No Bombay? And now Hans? He was the only one trying to keep us all together since Bombay left. And now..." 

"I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry, for all of it. Are you guys leaving too?"

"About to." He said. Connie latching herself onto his arm. It looked like he was the only thing keeping her upright. He probably was. 

"Well, whatever you guys need, just call me. Okay?"

"Thanks, Ro." Guy Germaine half-smiled, giving her a quick hug before the couple drifted out of view. 

Shutting her locker, Rowan walked to the same door Adam bolted from only minutes ago. She opened it, letting Minnesota's cooling air fill her lungs as she found Adam slumped on a nearby bench. 

"What are you doing here?" Adam asked, not even looking up to meet her eyes. 

"I came to check on you. I heard what happened." She responded, pretending to not be hurt by his intense tone of voice.

"It doesn't concern you." He mumbled. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Exactly how it sounds." 

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