"now I want to know where that cat lady is"

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Summer was abandoned just as quickly as it hit, August already nearing its final weeks. It had been over 2 months without Jesse Hall -- and 13 without Julie Gaffney, Luis Mendoza, Russ Tyler, Dean Portman, Dwayne Robertson, or Kenny Wu. Needless to say, the ducks missed their distanced friends terribly, possibly even more as each day passed.

"Pass the puck here!" Charlie desperately cried out, aggressively tapping his stick to the burning pavement.

Guy Germaine looked in the direction of the eager boy before passing to him just in time, as Connie made sure to nearly collide right into him. She giggled while he attempted to control his balance.

Now with possession of the black disc, Charlie skated towards the opposing team's end, coming head to head with Adam to fight for dominance. "You're on, Banks!" The brunette boy challenged.

"Let's see what you got, Spazway." Adam taunted, trying to swipe his stick in front of Charlie's.

They had passed most of their summertime in this way, taking advantage of the rather gloomy weather to play street puck.

"Water break? Please?" Greg Goldberg panted, already letting his rollerblades glide over to the bench, plopping down to chug the cool liquid.

"I guess we are taking a water break," Fulton said, soon joining Goldberg.

"When are we going to do something other than hockey? I mean, we play all winter. Now we gotta play all summer too?" The goaltender questioned.

"It's not like there is anything else to do." Les Averman tried to reason "We live in Minnesota, not a movie."

Goldberg grumbled in response, allowing the topic to be dropped and accepting that the last days of their vacation would be spent in the same park they were last week -- and the week before that.

"Adam, please don't tell me that you're being stuffed into another private, preppy-like, school for the next four years," Guy pleaded.

"Hate to break it to you, but, Saint John's Prep school has my dad's attention at the moment. They even mentioned some all-boys boarding school in New England -- Welton Academy." Adam sighed.

"You've got to be kidding me! Boarding school? Private school?" Charlie groaned "Why can't you just come to public school with us? You know you won't get any infections."

"It's not me you need to be telling that to. Try talking to my father."

"Hard pass," Averman spoke up, slightly quivering at the thought of having a conversation with the intimidating man.

"I've been at private schools all my life, my parents are never going to give it a rest -- as a matter of fact, Rowan's probably won't either."

"This blows," Goldberg expressed through heavy exhales, to which Connie solemnly nodded in agreement.

"Let's just get back to the game," Guy suggested, attempting to lift everyone's spirits.

"Yeah," They all mumbled in confirmation.

That was when it had become clearer to Greg Goldberg as to why they had spent so much time playing the simple game all summer -- because they knew they were growing up, and they would all slowly begin to drift, leaving one by one. Their team had already narrowed down from fourteen to seven in just a year -- who knows who would be next.

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