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Chapter Sixteen:

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Chapter Sixteen:

You were sitting in the chair as Mary was brushing your hair. "Lady (Y/N), why can't you just expect the prince's feelings? I feel like he's a better choice than the other men that had asked for your hand" Mary said. "You might think it's normal for an eighteen-year girl to get married but I find it very uncomfortable. I'm still young and want to live my life" you replied.

"I understand what you're trying to say but can't you explain it to the prince to take it slow so you can feel comfortable. I'm sure he will understand" Mary added. Of course, he will. You know that he will wait a long time until you agree on marrying him. He's the main lead, that's his personality. Yet, the words of what Knight Jung said were still in your head.

"You look so beautiful, Lady (Y/N)" Mary smiles and claps her hands together as she looks at you. You stand up and looked at yourself in the mirror. "I hope today will help you realize that you should give Prince Jungkook a chance," she said.  You smiled and nodded.

You turned your head when you heard a horse. You and Mary both walked outside to see the prince. He hops off of his horse and kneels in front of you as he grabs your hand and kisses it. "Good afternoon, (Y/N)" he smiles as he looks up into your eyes.

"Likewise, Prince Jungkook" you replied with a small smile. He stands up and holds your hand tightly. "I'll bring her back before the moon rises. I'll protect her and make sure she's safe" he said to Mary who just smiled at him. "Thank you, Your Highness. I hope the two of you have fun" she replied.

"We will. Shall we go, then?" He looks back at you and you nodded. He helps you get onto his horse and the two of you ride off into the forest. Mary wipes her fake tears away as she watches them disappear.

"Duchess Lee would have been so proud of you, Lady (Y/N). Knowing her, she would have asked the prince multiple questions and see if he is fit as your husband" Mary said as she walks back inside the cabin.


"Prince Jungkook, where on earth are we?" You asked him as you looked around to only see dark tall trees. He chuckles at your question and replies, "it's a surprise. Only you and I can come here because this will be our special place" he said as he makes the horse move forward. "Close your eyes" the prince whispers into your ear and you did.

"Open them" and when you did, your eyes widened. You were no longer in the dark forest but instead a magical forest that had beautiful flowers growing. Prince Jungkook stops his horse underneath a tree and hops off. He extends his hand and you gladly take it. You got off of his horse and looked around the beautiful place.

This place was never in the game. This was new to you. "Beautiful, right? I found this place when I tried running away. I told myself that I would bring you here when we were engaged yet I decided to bring you early" he smiles. "So you thought I would have been engaged to you by now?" You looked at him as you crossed your arms.

Prince Jungkook scratches his head and nodded. "I did. I couldn't help myself from thinking about our future together. I thought we would end up together" he said. "You have a crazy dream, Prince Jungkook" you replied.

He shakes his head and smiles. "Call me Jungkook. I would love it if you could" he said. "Alright then. So what is today's date going to be like?" You asked. He walks back to his horse and grabs a basket.

"A picnic. I brought some food that the chef made along with some sweets" he smiles. You watched as the prince places the blanket down and starts setting up the food. A smile appeared on your face, seeing that he actually wants to impress you. You decided to help him and once you two finished, you took a seat on the blanket.

"I hope you like the food," Prince Jungkook said. "It's food, of course, I'm going to like it," you said as you took a bit. He giggles as he sees you smile as you ate.

The two of you ate your lunch and had a small conversation. It was clear to you that he wasn't planning on stopping for your love. You were secretly jealous that Anne has a man like Prince Jungkook.

He was the perfect man that every girl wants. A guy who is understanding, doesn't judge anyone, honest, respectful, and loving. If someone else were in your place, you know that they would have immediately agreed to marry Prince Jungkook yet you know that there's no such thing as a perfect man.

"You have something on your lip" he commented as he leans towards your face to remove it. He wipes it off with his thumb. His brown eyes stared deeply into your (e/c) eyes. Without thinking, he leans closer and closes his eyes, connecting his lips with yours.

You were surprised by the sudden kiss. The prince cups your cheeks as he tilts your head backward to deepen the kiss. You stood there frozen, not knowing how to react. The male lead of a video game took your first kiss. It was very difficult to process that.

Your heart began to race when he slowly pushed you onto the ground to hover over you, still having his lips connected to yours. You pushed him a bit, making him stop what he was doing, and pulled away. "I-I'm sorry. I-I got carried away and-" he immediately backs away from you and looks away with his cheeks red.

You cleared your throat and also looked away. "I-It's alright" you replied, not knowing what else it say. He was embarrassed to look at you again yet he did and he giggles seeing you not looking in his direction. He moves closer to you again and whispers into your ear, "did you happen to enjoy the kiss?".

Your cheeks warmed up and you looked down at your fingers. He grabs your chin and smiles brightly at you. "You don't need to be embarrassed if you did. Do you want me to do it again?" He asked.

The writer of this game must have fallen in love with her character when she wrote this. "I-" you felt a little push and your lips connected once more with the prince. He cups your cheeks and kisses you again deeply and passionately.


Prince Jungkook smiles as you rest your head against his chest. He had one of his arms around you to make you don't fall off. He made so much fun today. Even if you want to take baby steps in your relationship with him, he won't mind as long as in the end, you agree to marry him and be his.

He saw your cabin from a far distance. His eyes landed on a familiar horse that had a sign. Once he arrived there, he knew who he was. "What are you doing here?" Prince Jungkook asked. "I'm here to take Lady (Y/N) to the castle"

"And why is that?" The prince asked. "She's charged with trying to murder Lady Anne"

"What?" Prince Jungkook said in his deep voice as he tilts his head. "She tried to poison, Lady Anne"

"(Y/N) would never do such a thing! The whole day she was with me, so how on earth could she poison Anne?"

"I don't know, Your Highness yet she is wanted by King Jeon and Princess Somi" the prince rolls his eyes. "I'll take her there. After all, she is my girlfriend. I don't trust any man around her. Please inform her maid, Mary that she will be staying at the castle for a while but will return soon"

"Of course, your Highness"

Prince Jungkook turns his horse around and heads towards the castle where he was ready to fight his family for the woman he loves.

"I'll make sure whoever is trying to frame you will be punished"

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