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This next chapter is dedicated to @ElijahMatt . This reader has added my story to multiple reading lists as well as voting for chapters. It is so lovely to feel as though someone really is enjoying my book. Happy reading!


The next few days all felt the same. I would wake up, walk to Anna's room, get her changed and try to feed her something. Then I would find Atlas and we would walk to the meeting room and carry on sorting out the Queen's funeral. The castle was filled with bleakness and darkness. Everyone walked around in black.

"The Queen specifically requested Orchids for her funeral. We have already contacted the flower growers in the valleys and they have picked some. I will go down there today to check the flowers are perfect." I nodded crossing off flowers and writing Willow next to it as she was in charge. I was sat in the meeting room at the head of the table, with a diary in front of me. The Queen's ladies-in-waiting were helping me plan her wedding; each of them had an important task.

The list was looking close to completion and the only thing left was to arrange Anna's outfit. I sighed knowing it will be hard for her to do this next step and without her soulmate, it would have to be alone. The Queen requested Anna to give a speech at the funeral. A few days ago, I spoke to her about it hoping she would try to write something down.

My mind wandered over to the window where I saw the town looking bleak. I would soon have to plan Anna's coronation and my mind was so contorted by all the planning and changes happening.

There was a faint knock and a young girl opened, looking down. "Princess Anastasia would like to see you, Miss Eva." I smiled, excusing myself from the table and followed her out the room. I knew the rest of the people in that room could figure everything else out.

Once we reached Anna's room, I heard yelling and clattering from inside. The girl hesitated on opening the door and I just let her go back to the maids' quarters. She smiled thankfully and almost ran down the corridor away from the noise.

"Princess, please. We just need you to try it on so we can fit it correctly." Another slam of what sounded like a metal jug or cup. I huffed and pushed open the doors seeing Anna throwing things at the seamstress.

"No! I won't be going so I don't need a dress." The poor seamstress was hiding behind the door of the wardrobe. As soon as she saw me and the open doors, she left almost sprinting.

"Anna, come with me." She shoved my outstretched hand away and turned away from me.

"I wish to show you something." She just ignored me. I sighed and went to her dress. It was a classic funeral gown and just needed a few adjustments. I took the pins and did the fitting knowing exactly how Anna would like it considering I had done hundreds of dresses for her in the past. She never looked at me.

I left the room, making sure to close the wardrobe doors and prayed that Anna would be better for tomorrow.

On my walk back to the room, I saw Atlas talking to a tall man with spikey blonde hair. He wasn't as tall as Atlas but they seemed to be in a heated discussion. I coughed as I walked down the hall to him, making them aware of my presence.

"Ah, miss Eva I assume. Nice to finally meet you." The man in front of me kissed my hand but quickly pulled back when Atlas growled.

"I'll see you soon, Atlas." With that, he left. I turned to Atlas to see him run his hands through his hair.

"What was that about, princey?" He sighed gesturing me to sit down. I sat down and he grabbed my hands.

"That man is watching my kingdom whilst I'm away. It seems my parents want to challenge the council when choosing their successor. With me being here, they are leaning towards my brother." I sighed and nodded.

"Then go home, Atlas. You must do what's right." He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I felt like sobbing just by looking at his face.

"I can't leave you, Eva. Please come with me." He looked at me and immediately regretted his words.

"No Eva. I didn't mean that. I just don't want to be without you. I know you need to be here and want to be here. Your kingdom comes first." I laughed slightly.

"Well, this isn't my kingdom, actually." Both our eyes widened at the same time.

"What?" I rose from my seat and started walking down the hall.

"Eva, where are you going?" Atlas yelled after me.

"To find my mother and go back to my kingdom." I smiled and started running.

I found her sitting in the garden, playing with her magic that had recently been returned to her.

"Go to him." She turned to me, looking surprised.

"The curse is broken. Go to Leopold and tell him you're not dead. Our kingdoms will no longer be at war. You can be happy." She sighed scooting over and patted on the bench for me to sit down.

"Eva, before you say anything, I am very happy. I finally have you and you have found your soulmate. The two of you look so happy. But until Anna is crowned, I cannot leave to see Leo." I nodded thinking as my mother continued to create butterflies dancing over the flowers. She felt freer to practice her magic, knowing that Anna would never persecute her like so many had been before.

"It will make you a princess and the next ruler of Sceneria." I gasped at the thought of ruling a kingdom. I knew I was a princess but to be a Queen was a whole other thing. I would have to make decisions and protect my subjects. I wasn't ready for that.

Agatha smiled and stood up, disappearing into the golden flowers. Would she ever be clear with what she says?

Eva's JournalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora