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*1 year later*

I looked across the forest, watching the children play along the edge of the stream. My hands automatically fell to my stomach where I felt my baby kick.

"It's okay, Paige. Not too much longer now." I spoke to her.

Atlas walked across the room of our house in the castle, wrapping his arms around me, feeling Paige kick. He laughed out and kissed my cheek before leaving for another meeting.

In the last year, so much change happened. The world that was once separated was reunited once more. We rebuilt the kingdoms with villages being restored and the Derever castle was rebuilt. Laws were changed, banning inhumane actions towards creatures of all kinds and things were balanced.

As the four leaders, we chose to build a castle in the centre of all the kingdoms. We all live in the castle together, ruling our kingdoms with all our attributes that balanced each other. It didn't take long for the four of us to miss each other. We then decided it was best for us to just live together.

In the last year, Anna and Thalia married and now have four adopted children. Some children lost their parents during the wars and Anna was the perfect mother for them.

Atlas and I got married soon after I found out I was pregnant with our daughter, Paige. She was due in just a few days.

As for the kingdoms, they were finally united just the way they should be. I was proud to see that fear was gone in the kingdoms. My parents had retired into the depths of Sceneria. They lived naturally in the wilderness which my mother was drawn to.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I walked down the corridor into the nursery. The hand-carved crib stood in the side of the room, with images of wolves along the joins. Above the crib hung a mobile with glass fairies dancing around. With the sunlight shining through, the glass created colours across the ceiling. Turning around, I looked at the bookshelf filled with illustrated child books I had started writing when I knew I was pregnant. They were filled with lessons about magic and other exciting things.

Suddenly, I felt a trickle down my legs. I gasped, realizing it was time and quickly walked out of the nursery to Atlas' study. He looked up from his documents and saw me standing there clutching my belly, breathing deeply.

"It's time, babe." I said, gritting my teeth. He upped from the desk quickly running to my side and leading me to the bed. He quickly called a maid to get the doctor and soon I was ready to give birth.

"Come on, princess. One more push." Atlas held tightly onto my hand as I pushed out our child. With one final scream, I heard the cry of our little baby. Sobbing, the doctor handed her over to me wrapped in a little blanket.

"Congratulations, your highness. She's a healthy girl." I smiled as Atlas cried, kissing my head over and over.

"Welcome into the world, Paige." She sighed and I smiled at her little face. She had soft brown hair, with beautiful bright blue eyes. Her tiny hand curled around Atlas' finger causing more tears to fall from his face. I looked up at Atlas from our daughter and he kissed my forehead.

Looking down at Paige, she showed me just how worth it everything I had been through was. With the world now at peace, my little half-witch, half-werewolf will be destined for great things in the safe world we fought so hard to create. With the kingdoms united, she would never have to hide who she truly was. Her possibilities were endless now she wouldn't have to live in fear. No one ever would, again.

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