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The battle continued to rage outside the castle walls and I heard the noises as it got closer and closer to infiltrating it. All the victims of Derever had been successfully moved to a safer location along with the four warriors. Convel stood by my side watching me lie on Atlas. He held one hand on my shoulder as I wept.

"We need to go, Luna." I looked up at him and furrowed my brow.

"I can't leave him." I sobbed out. Convel backed away from me and towards the door of the cell.

"When the battle is over, I will come back for you." He promised me before leaving. I heard his footsteps stop on the stone floor and I looked up to see a tall man in a dark cloak, covering every feature. As my eyes glanced at Convel, I saw him bowing to him.

"I can save him." He spoke with a deep voice. Something in me trusted this man and I nodded but refused to move from his side. The man knelt down and lifted his hood. I gazed over his features noticing his hair was jet black, spiked and his eyes were light hazel. Convel watched intently as the man's hands gently touched Atlas' face.

"Hello, son." The man spoke to Atlas. I gasped and looked at him again closely.

"You're the king?" I questioned. He laughed softly and shook his head.

"No, I am a werewolf. I am the wolf that bit the queen that night. That makes Atlas my son." I nodded in understanding before we turned our attention back to Atlas.

"How can you save him?" He gave me a questioning look.

"Give me time, my child." I moved back and Convel held me in his arms as we watched Atlas' father.

I watched him intently as he moved around Atlas, pushing his fingers on different limbs.

"Convel, come here." The man instructed him. He obliged kneeling down by Atlas' side. He then instructed me to get by his head.

"Hold his head, my child." I nodded and moved so his head was resting on my knees.

The man pushed my hands on either side of his head.

"Call out to him. Not with your voice, with your magic." I shut my mouth quickly and closed my eyes.

I thought about every memory, big or small that I shared with him. I kept calling his name feeling my magic surge into his body.

Suddenly, I heard a gasp. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Atlas with his eyes open and his chest heaving.

"Atlas! Hey, it's me, Eva. I'm here" The man quickly stated that Atlas couldn't hear me and my shoulders fell.

"Convel, it's time." The man spoke clearly and backed away, with Convel following him.

"Time for what?" I asked them as I continued to hold the bond between us.

"Eva, it's time for Atlas to take his place as the Alpha of Alphas. He is going to become the true Alpha." I gasped, remembering how I read about it in a book. Knowing what was about to happen, I got up carefully lowering his head to the floor and stepped between Convel and the man.

Abruptly, Atlas began groaning as I heard his bones begin to break. He screamed out in pain and I covered my ears trying to hide the noise. As the noise stopped, I turned to see a black wolf looking at me. He was bigger than his cell, the ceiling too low, making him crouch down.

"Titan?" I whispered and he whimpered before moving forward towards me. I smiled and the tears began to fall. I wrapped my arms around his head which was close to the same size as me.

As we turned, I noticed how the two men were kneeling on the floor. Atlas was now the alpha of alphas.

With more bones cracking again, I turned to see Atlas standing there. His brown eyes were boring into mine.

"Eva?" He spoke softly. I cried again, my hands covering my face before I ran into his arms. We held each other as we cried, finally being reunited.

"Oh, Atlas. I love you." I wept as he held me. Atlas picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I looked up at him and his soft lips touched mine. At first, the kiss was soft but soon the distance between us showed as it became passionate. I ran my fingers through his hair and he grazed my ass with his hands.

As we pulled back, he laughed. "I love you, too Eva." He smiled and carefully lowered me to the floor.

"Convel." He spoke to his beta.

"Alpha." He bowed slightly before Atlas engulfed him into a hug.

"Father?" He looked at the man.

"Yes, Atlas. I came to make sure you fulfilled your destiny. My son, you are now the alpha of alphas. I'm so proud of you." They shook hands.

Soon, the reunion was cut short as the blast from my mother's magic hit the walls.

"Let's go and finish this fight." Atlas said strongly.

I giggled with excitement before Atlas lifted me bridal style and carried me out of the dungeon with Convel and his father following me.

As we reached the main entrance, Atlas transformed into his wolf and I climbed on top of him. I looked down and saw Convel's white wolf on one side and his father's white wolf on the other.

"Charge!" I yelled and we ran into the battle once again.

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