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Atlas' view

I watched as Eva walked back inside the castle, her scent loosening itself from the fibres of my clothes as the horses trotted towards my kingdom, Derever. It had been a long time since I was in my kingdom. I wasn't really welcome there as the rumours of my mother's pregnancy clung to me. Some believe she was unfaithful to my father and had a bastard son, leaving my perfect brother to take the throne. Others believe it was a cover-up for my monster behaviour and actions; the king would rather have a bastard son than his own unfit to rule the kingdom.

Nonetheless, I was chosen by the council to become the next king on my father's retirement. Despite the usual nepotism that is involved in any royal family, in Derever each heir has an equal opportunity to become king or queen. Though sour for a while, my brother soon learned that his place as my right-hand man was just as important. We became close confidants and soon as I turned into a werewolf, which my mother hoped wouldn't happen, he would help me with every turning and chained me up.

Soon, my wolf became too strong and would emerge when I was angry, not just on a full moon. Noet would chain me up and inject me with silver. Sometimes it wasn't effective enough and I killed some soldiers. The kingdom became scared and I was locked away in the hopes that someday I would control it. Instead, I escaped and went looking for my soulmate.

That's where I met Convel. He was another werewolf who I met on my travels between kingdoms. He came into the castle and I knew that Eva saw him when he came to ask me to return to the kingdom. He is a big fan of natural living, so I imagined he looked somewhat weird in clothes suitable for the castle. I laughed internally at the memory of him pulling off the clothes and slipping into something more comfortable which were loose trousers.

I looked out the window and noticed we were already in the kingdom. Eva helped me control the wolf and I was now ready to return and take my rightful place. It was time. I took a deep breath and as the carriage pulled to a halt, my brother and I got out and walked through the parted crowd into the castle. The crowd cheered at us, more my brother I'm assuming. I smiled politely and walked as quickly as possible, without seeming rude. Noet stayed out a little longer before the gates to the castle closed behind him.

"See? That wasn't too bad." He laughed and I muttered something rude under my breath. I wasn't worried about them; I was worried about-

"Father! Mother!" Noet embraced our parents as our mother checked him for marks. I rolled my eyes and shook my father's hand smiling as hard as could, keeping my lips tight together.

"Atlas, it has been a while. How are things?" My mother hugged me and it was too foreign to me to bring me any kind of comfort.

"I am fine, mother. Father. I have met my mate, Eva. She will make a wonderful Queen when I am crowned." The three of them looked at each other nervously.

"What?" I was beginning to grow tired of the looks they were giving each other and the thick atmosphere. I could sense their nervousness and it was putting me further on edge.

"The council wants to meet again to choose another successor." I was left stunned. I growled under my breath at the scene in front of me. Titan was angry and his Alpha tendencies were trying to get my family to submit. I remembered Eva's sweet voice and Titan calmed down. He would listen to his Luna.

"When will we meet?" They shared the same shocked expression as I kept my cool for the first time since my 14th birthday when Titan emerged.

"This evening." I nodded, grabbed my bag, and walked to my room.

I walked up to my room and it was still the same. I walked around and glanced at the posters covering the claw marks in the wall. The door was still reinforced and as usual, there was a trunk under my bed filled with silver chains. I sighed feeling the sting as I ran the chain through my fingers.

"Screw this." I shouted, hoping my soul would hear it. I ripped the posters off the wall, took out the enforcements on the door, and shoved them as best into the trunk. I picked it up and threw it off the balcony. I wouldn't be needing them anymore. I smiled triumphantly and felt the pride well inside me.

Turning from the open doors, I saw Convel leaning in the doorframe.

"Did that feel good, Alpha?" I rolled my eyes and grinned at him. As I had Alpha blood in me, his wolf would always call me Alpha, even though I hated it.

I unpacked my things as I spoke to him. "Yes, it did, Convel. I was wondering if you wanted to go for a run tonight? I need to get out of this house with those slimy characters I call my family."

He immediately leaned up from the doorframe, "O- Of course, Alpha. I would be honoured. I have tried to see what the council are up to but I haven't seen them." I smiled at him and my hand reached for Eva's soap in my bag.

"Is that the Luna's?" I nodded and handed it to him, knowing he would like to recognize her scent.

He walked around the room, dropping the soap on the bed observing the whole room. Convel was a tall, slim man with wild, blonde hair that stuck in every direction. He was fairly quiet and had a strong wolf, which was strikingly white. He always protected my wolf when I lost control. Tonight would be the first run where he wouldn't have to do that.

Very much Beta material. Titan had always been fond of him and his caring ways. Convel was a strong man and had a wild personality but he never disrespected me and Titan knew he would be a fair wolf in the pack Eva suggested we make. Convel had already accepted her as his Luna.

Without much warning, I felt a sharp pain coursing through my body. I groaned and collapsed to the floor as it overwhelmed my body. I heard Convel yell out to me and pick me up almost throwing me onto the bed. He rushed around the bed as I continued to scream with the most painful grief and suffering, I had endured. Titan began to take control and helped me subside the pain. I sat up, my brow sweaty and furrowed. My brother stood at the door which no particular expression on my face as Convel hid in my wardrobe. I picked myself up from the bed and began to pace the room, feeling how hard Titan was working to stop the pain from reaching me.

"Eva!" I exclaimed trying to push past Noet to leave.

"Brother, the council meeting is in a few hours. You can't leave now." I growled at him without hesitation.

"She is my soulmate, Noet. There's something wrong. Now let me through." He shook his head pushing me back.

"After the meeting, you can run to her. But for right now, you must stay in here until the council decides our fate. Just stay in here, please." I sighed nodding my head and turning away from him, shutting the door in his face. I heard him mutter on the other side of the door.

Convel emerged from the wardrobe. He bowed his head and jumped from the balcony, transforming into his wolf. He ran off to find Eva and protect his Luna like he was trained to do.

"Yes, beta material indeed, Titan." I whispered as I watched the white blur fade from view. 

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