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Titan ran into the enemy and I heard gasps from the soldiers around us. He howled and it silenced the battlefield, with all eyes turning towards us. The other wolves howled with their alpha.

"This war ends now!" I yelled whilst standing on his back. No one moved a muscle until the noise of laughter echoed across the valley.

I watched as Noet walked towards us.

"You are all hideous monsters which deserve to be killed." He spat.

"The only monster I see is you, Noet. You used a child for your expeditions. You kept hundreds of prisoners in your dungeon including humans! You claim we are the monsters but it's you." Titan lowered his head and I stepped onto the floor.

"Look at the man before you. He cowers in front of you all, not brave enough to face us himself. He uses all of you to protect himself. Let us stop this fight and together we can create a better world. For all!" I watched as every person on the battlefield dropped their weapons. They looked to me and then to Noet.

His features were filled with anger as he looked around at the crowds.

"It's over Menoetius." I stated. I turned away from him.

"Not yet!" he yelled, throwing his sword at my back. I watched as the sword moved in my direction. I winced and closed my eyes waiting for its impact.

Which never came.

I heard a wince and as I opened my eyes, I saw the sword embedded into someone chest who was lying at my feet.

"Eva?" Her voice was soft. I heard Thalia running towards us and crouching down to the floor by her side.

"Anna!" she screamed out holding her close.

"Kill him." I spat out and Titan strutted past me to Noet. I watched as the boy screamed out whilst his brother ripped him apart, slowly. I moved my eyes from them back to Anna.

I quickly got down beside her and pulled out the sword from her chest.

"No, Anna. Stay with me." I panicked as her eyes began to shut. Thalia began to shake as she held her.

"Mother!" I screamed out as I looked across the field. Soon she was at my side, followed by all other soldiers.

"Tell me what to do." I spoke. I turned back and looked towards Thalia. She was trying to heal Anna's wound but it wasn't working.

"Why won't it work?" She cried out, trying over and over again.

"Mother, help me." Her face fell.

She grabbed Thalia's hands pulling her away from Anna. She shook her head and Thalia collapsed sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Eva but there isn't anything we can do." I shook my head, moving back to Anna's body. She smiled weakly at me, taking my hand which was covered in her own blood.

"Why did you do that, Anna?" she laughed then began coughing.

"I couldn't watch you die. You've done so much for me and everyone here. You united me with Thalia, helped me overcome my fears. This was the least I could do." I smiled at her, holding her close to me. Thalia held on to one of her hands.

"Eva, you can help her but we need to perform a spell first. You are the only person with strong enough magic and close enough bond to do this." Agatha tried to interrupt Martha as she spoke but I shut her down.

"Martha, tell me what I need to do." She looked to my mother and then to me.

"You need to become a full witch." I looked to my mother again and saw that Martha was quickly quiet.

"Eva, you could die! It's too risky." She pleaded with me. I stood up, kissing Anna's cheek.

"Mother, Anna risked her life for me. It's time I risk my life for her." She went to say something but my father wrapped his arm around her waist quietening her.

Atlas walked over to me, back in his human form. He was wearing just trousers. I walked to him and wrapped myself in his arms. Atlas ran his fingers through my hair and made me look up at him.

"Go. I love you, Eva. You can do this." He whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead. I reached up and kissed his lips catching him by surprise until he started kissing me back.

Convel was stood by Martha. She kissed his cheek and then took my hand leading me to the middle of the battlefield. Dead bodies were lying around us and I didn't want one more lying there.

Martha gathered around all the witches and I stood in the centre.

"Are you ready, Eva?" she spoke. I nodded and closed my eyes.

I heard her chanting in Latin, with the other witches then joining in. I heard my mother's voice ringing clearer than them all.

"Et facti sunt, qui intelliguntur esse. Vobis autem non est optimum video vidi. Frange alia ex parte, quae est inter me et te." They spoke aloud. [Become who you are meant to be. Be the best you there is to see. Break the part that is different between you and me.]

The voices spoke out filling my mind. I felt their magic surge through me and tore me apart. I screamed out but as I fell back together the pain stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around as my magic was surrounding me.

"Eva?" I heard a soft voice calling out to me. looking down I saw Atlas below me. my magic lowered me to the floor and he took my hands.

"Did it work?" I asked Martha still looking at Atlas.

"Yes, Eva. Go to Anna." I ran from the group and towards Anna's small body. Thalia and Anna were both covered in blood from her wound.

I held out my hands over her wound, praying it would work. I focused on her wound, closing my eyes.

"Please." I whispered aloud.

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