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I stir my tea slowly, taking out the teabag and dropping it in the bin. I grab Harry's mug and mine, taking them both into the living room where he's sitting. He smiles as I approach him, taking the mug from my hand as I sit beside him on the sofa. "Thank you."

I nod, sipping my tea slowly, letting the warm liquid heat my tongue nicely. "How are you feeling?" I ask, my eyes watching him in concern. He looks tired, extremely worn out from his mission. "I'm fine." I nod again. "You?"

Smiling, I move my mug from my lips. "I'm just... glad that you're safe." He smirks.

"I was thinking exactly the same thing for you," he says, making me laugh softly before a loud noise is heard from outside - like a sharp crack. I stand, putting my mug on the table. "That'll be Lucius." Harry huffs quietly, but I don't notice. "I'll just be a minute."

I leave the room, going over to the door in the hallway. As soon as I turn the handle, Scorpion appears out of nowhere, running through the gap in the door, desperate to get out. "Scorpion!" I shout in annoyance, rushing after him as he runs.

I stop abruptly when I see him, barking at Lucius. And a small girl stood beside him.

I blink, extremely confused as I stare at the little girl. With her long dark hair and big, chocolate brown eyes. She was beautiful.

Scorpion barks, jumping up at Lucius as he smirks back playfully. Then, he notices the girl, running and leaping onto her instead, desperate for her attention. But she screams in fright, holding onto Lucius's side as she hides her face in his coat.

"Scorpion..." I call him softly, and immediately he runs to my side, barking once and sitting beside me on command. Lucius's eyes meet mine then, and he can tell I'm confused as he sighs quietly, nodding towards the girl. I breathe out, giving him a stern look, meaning we would talk about this later. Then, I go closer to the girl, kneeling on the grass to match her height as she slowly moves away from Lucius, revealing her face.

I smile at her warmly, and I can tell she's instantly comforted as she smiles back. "Hello," I say softly, trying to calm her. "I'm Kelly." She thinks for a moment before answering shyly.

"Hi, I'm Mia."

"Mia?" I raise my eyebrows, "That's a very pretty name."

She grins, "Thank you."

I smile, looking up at Lucius questioningly, but he shakes his head.

When I look back at her, I notice she's watching Scorpion who's behind me, digging and rolling over in the grass. "I don't like him."

"Who, Scorpion? No, he's very friendly. You just have to get to know him." I call him and he runs over to us, barking happily as I pick him up, holding him to my chest as Mia watches cautiously. "Say hi to Mia." He barks in response, before licking my face as I put him down. "See?"

Mia watches in amusement as he starts to chase his tail, running around in circles before finally catching it and losing his balance, falling onto the grass. She laughs cutely, "He's funny."

I smile at her words, ruffling Scorpion's black fur before picking him up and standing. I look back at the girl as she stares at our dog in awe. "Mia, would you like to come in?"

"Can teddy come in too?" She asks, holding up a teddy bear in her hand, making me smirk.

"Of course he can."

She hesitates, looking at Lucius as if for approval. He nods, so she walks over to the house, opening the door fully with her tiny frame. "You too, Scorpion." I lower him to the ground, watching as he runs back into the house before turning and looking at Lucius.

Pureblood (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now