Chapter 1 - Furthest Thing From Heaven

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'Please, Joel! Just help me with this one, I promise I'll repay you!' Azrael pleads with his palms together, looking miserable.

I sigh, 'No need to repay me. I'm only helping because I don't think you can find anyone else.'

As the angel of light, my job is looking after the sky, which is quite easy. So, other angels usually come to me for favours because they know I have no excuse to turn them down.

'Yes! Thank you so much!' His face lightens up immediately, and he hands me three files, 'They're all in Europe, so I've set their time for tonight. It should be easy.'

'Whoa, you said one!'

'One for three?' He pouts, 'Please?'

Why did I say yes in the first place?

'Fine.' I take them. 'You should feel lucky that the sun, the moon, and the stars never forget their jobs.'

I add, 'And please don't forget to collect any souls ever again.'

Azrael, the angel of death, actually has the power of collecting multiple souls at once. But, only at their due moment.

These overdue ones have to be collected personally.

'I won't. I promise.' He puts up his right hand, 'Now I'm going to plot the death of a president.' He grins slyly.

'Don't provoke a World War Three, please.'

'I'll try.' He grimaces, 'Good luck down there.'

I wave him goodbye and turn towards the portal to the physical realm.

I open the file on the top. First stop, Ukraine.

I close my eyes and jump into the light—

Gosh, this place is cold!

I totally forgot how fragile the human body is. Not enough body hair to keep themselves warm.

As a celestial being, my angel form is a combination of light and characteristics. I mean, angels can still see how each other looks like, just not so...solid.

And more importantly, there's no temperature difference in Heaven.

Thankfully, I grabbed a jacket before the portal was closed. I innerly pat myself.

'Okay...Fedir, 83 years old,' I nod to myself as I flip through the file of my first target, 'not bad, dying in the sleep. Guess you did well in this life.'

Disguised by the night, I fly to the house of the old guy and land on his balcony.

He's lying straight on his bed, deep in his dreams, looking peaceful and ready.

I look down at the watch. About time.

Bye, Fedir. I snap my fingers.

I see a cloud of light smoke coming out of his head and floating slowly to the sky.

That was easy. I can now see why Azrael loves his job so much. There's a weird relief in watching the smoke going away.

I think it's knowing that they're finally free of the restrictions of human life and going to a better place.

Oh well, for some it might be a worse place.

But still, before they go to either side, there's at least a millisecond of ecstasy as a body-free ghost.

A chilling wind blows me out of my thoughts as if Azrael is rushing me to go to the second one.

Get lost. I say to the wind in my mind while combing my long red hair with my fingers.

'Beg me, angel.' (GirlxGirl) (AngelxDemon)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant