Chapter 15 - Do You Now? (Finale)

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*Song: Space For Two by Mr Probz*

Back at Hinn's house—

Joel's POV:

'I am going to go now.' Gabriel leans forward for a brief but firm hug. 'Take care, Joel.'

I nod.

'You too, Morana.' Shockingly, Gabriel gives Morana a hug too, to which Morana returns.

Did I miss something here?

'See you guys around.' With a wave, she disappears into the lights.

Then, there we are, alone.

Morana is standing next to me. I don't have to turn around to know that she's looking down at me.

The weight of her glance pins me at the doorway. I don't know how I should act around her anymore.

Yes, I kissed her at the end of our hunt. At that moment, it felt right.

But now, looking at her stoic face, I'm not sure if I made the right choice.

'So,' Morana breathes out, voice low and velvety, 'Are you ready to tell me how you feel?'

No. My heart skips a beat at her question. But, I need her to know, to understand why I've been holding back.

The air in the room grows thinner, 'I...I need to tell you why I can't ask God about the soul problem first.' I can see the frustration in her eyes, so I quickly add, 'Please, I need you to know.'

After a moment of deadly silence, Morana sighs, 'Fine.'

'I haven't...well, couldn't hear God for a good while...' I begin, looking down at the floor, unable to meet her penetrating gaze, 'That's why I couldn't tell you if you have a soul or not.'

'Okay...' Morana trails off, her expression showing a mix of confusion and concern.

'It all started when I distanced myself from Gabriel.' I continue, feeling the weight of my emotions becoming too heavy to bear. 'Before then, we were good friends. Knowing that she had strong feelings for me and having to break it off with her were...hard. I know I hurt her badly.

'I can't help but feel guilty for breaking her heart, you know?' The words stink my tongue, knotting my brows, 'Just when I needed God's guidance the most, I couldn't hear them. I feel like I must've done something wrong, but I'm not sure what.'

My heart pounds hard as I spill out the end of my speech, 'I'm scared, Morana.'

I am scared that I am making a stupid mistake by falling for Morana, for the possibility of getting hurt, and for the worst, hurting Morana the way I did to Gabriel.

Morana's eyes soften, unexpectedly stepping forward and cupping my face in her palms, 'Stupid angel.'

She leans down, pressing a gentle kiss on my lips. I can feel my racing brain slow down. Her kiss is definitely the best anaesthetics I've known.

She pulls back an inch and asks, 'Is that how you feel? Scared?'

'I am scared of getting hurt and hurting you...' I sigh, resting my forehead against hers, 'Because I care for you, a lot, more than I should have for someone I've only known for a month.'

'I can say the same.' Morana clears her throat, her cheeks turn suspiciously red.

Why is she suddenly so open? I can feel the warmth rising from my heart.

She continues, 'It's normal to feel scared. But, I still don't get why it is such a big deal that you can't be sure if I have a soul.'

'Because...' I close my eyes and whisper, 'Because I want a life with you.'

'Beg me, angel.' (GirlxGirl) (AngelxDemon)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant