Chapter 11 - But Why

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**an impression of Lucifer**


'I believe I haven't granted you your old job back yet.'

Lucifer's voice chimes through before I enter the lobby of his palace.

'No need for reminders. I know that perfectly.' I reply sarcastically.

And there he is, sitting on his throne, flames burning in his eyes, literally. Everything is bright and hot here in Hell, only Lucifer's black suit reflects a cold, dangerous hue.

'Okay, then I'm intrigued to know what brings you in.' He stands up and walks down to meet me in the centre of the room.

'I am here because of Dante Abbatino. Does the name ring a bell?' I look into his eyes, trying to grasp any sort of emotion.

But, nothing. He doesn't appear to be surprised at all. Instead, he looks all amused.

'Oh, yes. That bastard. What about him?'

I narrow my eyes. What has he done? 'He asked me to ask you for immortality. Care to explain why? What deal did you make with him?'

'Ha!' Lucifer lets out a rude laugh, 'He's either truly stupid or truly brave. Dare to ask me for more favour when I already granted him a few more days to live!'

'You what?' Something in the back of my head clicks, I blurt out, 'You tipped him off?'

'Well, I did a little more than that.' He shrugs irresponsibly.

I feel like I'm about to snap. 'What have you done?'

'Oh well...' He walks around me, 'I set the bounty for his head, so you're welcome.'

'What?' I am getting more and more frustrated and confused with his every word. 'Look, I am not in the mood to play games. Just grant him the goddamn immortality!'

'Why should I?' Lucifer stops in front of me, tilting his head, 'You do realise, if he's immortal, you can't get your bounty reward, right?'

'I do-'

'Then why?' He looks deeply into my eyes, 'Give me one good reason, Morana.'

'Because-' Joel's life depends on it.

I want to shout it at his face, but somehow I find those words too foreign to spill.

'Because what?' He presses, seemingly expecting me to say something.

Something that shows I care. But why?

'Wait...' I step back a little, studying his face, 'Firstly, you set a bounty on Abbatino, knowing I'd bite. Then, you tipped him off to jeopardise the hunt...for what? Your entertainment?'

I grow angrier at the thought, my hands ball into fists, 'You have no idea what your little scheme did. This isn't funny!'

'Oh, how so? You now can go and crash his dream of immortality. How's that not fun?' He doesn't react to my shouts, stating calmly with an unreadable look on his face.

'Because-' Again, the words are stuck at the back of my throat.

Lucifer wouldn't understand anyway, so why bother? 'You won't understand. If you're not gonna give it to him, I'll deal with him myself.' I start walking towards the gate.

I need to find a way to lie to Abbatino, and possibly some more lethal weapons.

'Is it because of an angel perhaps?'

'Beg me, angel.' (GirlxGirl) (AngelxDemon)Where stories live. Discover now