Chapter 8 - Just Because

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*Song: Say it by Maggie Rogers


It's 5 am, and Morana's not back yet.

I have been texting her, and even tried the weird calling a few times. Yet, all of them were unanswered.

I don't know why there's a twisted bitterness in my heart.

I know I care about her as I would for a human being, but to what extent exactly?

Do I have legit feelings for her?

I lay on the bed, and a joyless chuckle escapes my throat.

Not possible. Way too soon. We only knew each other for like what, two weeks?

Or am I that desperate for the warmth of a body?

A million questions pop up in my head, giving me a headache. I blame Azrael. None of this would've happened if he didn't fuck up his job.

Now I'm stuck in confusion and the longing for someone I shouldn't and can't have. I grab a pillow and growl into it.

I think of the last time I fell in love, it wasn't this frustratingly intense. It was chill and easy, like a summer breeze, not a bloody hurricane.

Back then, the moment I saw him, I just knew.

Despite knowing the fact that he'd grow old and die, I didn't care.

Don't get me wrong, I was heartbroken when he died after us being together for 53 years.

I mourned his death for a good human century.

However, I didn't chase after his soul. I didn't try to find out if he reincarnated or not.

I moved on because that's how life is. As an angel, the idea of 'soulmate' doesn't work.

Soulmates are created for humans to learn life lessons together. Since angels transcend beyond spacetime, soulmates aren't needed.

And even if I did have a soulmate, it wouldn't be Morana the demon of death.

She infuriates me, on so many levels.

Ugh, it would be so much easier if I don't have any feelings so that I wouldn't be thinking about her plump lips, wicked smirk, and sassy remarks...

I take out the mobile again, staring at the stupid nickname, Your Sexy Demon.

I press call, putting the mobile next to my ear, almost hoping to hear Morana screaming at me,

Yet, this time, it didn't even ring.

All I hear is 'The number you call is unavailable right now'.

I throw the device to the side, and a thought pops up and makes my heart sink.

What if she doesn't come back?

I feel soreness in my eyes and nose as the thought grows stronger.

Am I abandoned after all?


Morana's POV:

I look at the messages and missed calls from Joel piling up on my phone screen, sighing deeply.

I know I don't have a good temper, but somehow, whenever I am with that little angel, my mood gets worse.

I might have overreacted a bit, but I was truly fearing for our lives! She should've known better than to make a mistake like that.

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