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Skin on Skin, limbs entangled.

Calypso lazily tries to roll on her side but a strong arm is wrapped around her waist, holding her in place close to his chest.

It is hot but she is comfortable, naked bodies pressed against each other.

The intoxicating smell of Ethan's cologne is so intense that she shuffles around to bury her head in the crook of his neck.

Once she opens her eyes, the illusion of the night is gone and she stares at the stranger, peacefully sleeping in her bed, naked stranger to be precise.

A naked stranger who is not Ethan.

"You need to leave", the words burst out of her and she pulls the thin blanket up, trying to cover her exposed body, last night she couldn't get naked fast enough but now she's aware of her vulnerability.

"Wake up", she shakes his body, trying not to look at him too much, hot waves of embarrassment wash over her.

He smiles at her, when he finally opens his eyes and leans over to kiss her, morning breath coming from his mouth and Calypso quickly turns her head.

"You need to leave", she repeats panic now evident in her voice, what if someone walks in on them now?

Or worse, what if someone walked in on them when they were asleep?

Confusion on his face shows, that he doesn't understand Calypso and when he starts talking in Italian she just shakes her head and points to the window, with the balcony.


Deliberately looking away, while her one night stand is looking for his clothes in her messy room, she tries to keep the sick feeling at bay not wanting to throw up in front of him, the poor boy really doesn't deserve that.

Now dressed in last nights clothes, he points to the window again a big question mark on his, admittedly beautiful face.

Wrapping the thin blanket around her, like a dress she walks to the french doors and opens them wide, closing her eyes for a second when the sun blinds her.

"Down here", she steps aside to show him the way down, a rose grid with a single red rose is right next to her balcony so it is possible to climb down from there.

Why is he taking so long? Calypso feels incredibly sick again and she is in desperate need of a cold shower, she needs to sort out her messed up head.

"Ciao bella", he tries to kiss her one more time but when she turns her body away from his, he lifts his hands in surrender and starts his descend down the rose grid.

Calypso doesn't leave her spot by the french doors until she is certain that he left the premises of her friends place.

Hastily throwing on some underwear and an oversized shirt, that used to belong to her friend, she rushes to the bathroom and makes it just in time to empty her stomach into the toilet bowl.

Tears sting in her eyes when she keeps retching, clouding her vision and she suddenly feels so tired.

"Hey, are you okay?", a tired voice asks behind her and she tries to respond but is interrupted by another wave of nausea.

Thomas quickly makes his way to the girl and holds her hair back until she is done throwing up. He helps her lean against the cool bathroom wall and grabs a wet cloth to wash away the sick from her mouth.

Something about his caring gestures drives Calypso's over the edge and she starts sobbing, her whole body shaking and poor, helpless Thomas is left to watch his friend break down.

Trying desperately to make her tell him what's the matter he smoothes down her hair and tries to say something encouraging.

It seems like Calypso forgot how to speak English, the only words that come out of her mouth is a jumble of French. The only thing Thomas can make out is "Je suis vraiment désolée".

After what feels like hours, Thomas decides to go looking for Victoria, hoping that somehow the presence of the girl will calm Calypso down to explain what happened.

"Baby", a sleepy Vic coos when she sees her friend, curled up next to the toilet a crying mess.

She dismisses Thomas with a loving hug and a smile and he is happy to fall back in to his own bed, not that he doesn't care about Calypso it's just that he knows that Vic has better chances at calming their friend.

"Let's take a shower yeah?", Vic has locked the door behind them and slowly helps her friend to sit up, guiding her over to the shower.

Calypso is exhausted, from drinking too much last night and from crying so she just nods, stiff like a doll she let's Vic undress her and help in the shower.

Standing is too exhausting so she just lets herself slip down on the ground and draw her legs to her chest.

Gently Victoria washes her friends hair, massaging her scalp and unsuccessfully trying to get Calypso to talk to her.

Now, wrapped in Victoria's soft bathrobe and with a mug of steaming hot coffee in her hand Calypso has finally stopped crying, now utterly embarrassed about her behaviour.

She still refuses to talk, which frustrates Vic but she decides not to pry anymore.

Both girls are curled up on Vic's bed, watching episodes of Gossip Girl and sipping black coffee, trying to ease their hangovers.

"Can I stay inside here all day?", Calypso suddenly speaks up and pauses the show causing Vic to shoot her a confused look.

Once she sees how shaken up her friend still looks she understands, or at least she thinks she does.

"Of course", she smiles and yawns, telling Calypso that she is going to take a nap now and she'd kill her if she just continues watching the show without her.

With Vic asleep next to her, Calypso wants to read a book, it doesn't matter what kind of book she just needs the escape into a reality that isn't hers, one where she didn't sleep with a random boy to forget the boy she is slowly falling for.

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