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Everything good eventually has to come to an end.

Calypso has always known that having her friends all to herself, living in their own little sanctuary away from fans, managers and reporters, was only temporary.

With her friends starting work again, writing songs and practicing for their upcoming tour through Europe, Calypso spends a lot of her time reading.

Even more time than before.

Noticing that she'll most likely will run out of books before next week, she decides to visit some of Rome's bookstores hoping to find some books in English or even in French for her to read.

Having to promise Vic to call her in case she runs into any trouble, trouble meaning Calypso getting lost in Rome or forgetting what bus she has to take to get back to the house, she laughs at her friends words but knows well enough that her getting lost is a great possibility.

Wearing a loose blouse and some denim shorts, she jumps off the bus that stops right in front of the first bookstore.

Colourful flowers frame the entrance to the cozy little store and some stray cats are curled up under the little displays of books, hiding in the shade.

Calypso decides to snap some pictures for her instagram and to show Damiano when she gets back home, knowing how much the oldest loves cats.

Sunshine illuminates the dust particles in the air, dunking the store into a golden light and for a little while Calypso feels like she is part of a fairytale.

"Can I help you?", a beautiful girl with a thick London accent steps out from behind the cash register and smiles at Calypso.

"I am looking for books".

Only when the girl starts giggling, Calypso realises how stupid she must sound, she is standing in a bookstore what else should she be looking for.

"English books", she quickly corrects with a sheepish grin and the girl takes her arm, guiding her to a secluded section behind a curtain of beads that jingle softly when they step through it.

"Welcome to paradise".

She is right, this truly is paradise.

Books as far as the eye can see, piled on the floor, stacked on shelves that crowd the walls of the room.

"Wow", Calypso calls out and immediately starts looking at the spines of the books closest to her.

"I am Sara", the bookstore worker introduces herself after a while, both girls looking through the books and her recommending books to Calypso from time to time, Calypso already carrying a bunch of books in her arms.

"Calypso", she tries to shake the girls hand and drops a few books in the process. Hiding her reddening cheeks behind her long hair, Calypso tries to shrug off her awkwardness with a nervous chuckle.

Meeting Sara feels like fate.

The two girls connect instantly and Calypso stays with Sara until she can close the store and takes her out for a drink at a bar down the street.

Sara offers Calypso a ride home on her green vespa which she named Tardis, true to her being from England Dr. Who was one of her favourite shows growing up.

Wrapping her arms around Sara and calling out directions for her, that she looked up on her phone, Calypso can't wait to tell her friends about her amazing day.

When she gets closer to the house, cars block the street and the sound of music gets louder and louder.

"A party?", Sara asks, rising her eyebrows in question and Calypso just shrugs not understanding what's going on either.

"Can we join?", with a smirk, Sara puts the lock on the Tardis and reaches for Calypso's hand again.

Since there is no need for a key now anyways, the two girls just head inside the house pushing past moving bodies.

"I'll bring my books up to my room, up here", Calypso leads Sara upstairs and collides with a tipsy Thomas, who happily embraces her and tells her how Vic is angry at her for not answering her phone.

Damn. Calypso curses herself for not letting Vic know that she met someone in town and probably worried her friend.

After thanking Thomas they make it to Calypso's room, not thinking of knocking on the door before entering, it is her room after all.

A second later Calypso regrets her decision, not to knock.

Her bed is occupied with two very naked people and when she recognises one of their faces her heart drops down to her knees and she pushes Sara out of the room, quickly closing the door behind her.

By doing that she misses the flush of embarrassment and look of regret on Ethans face.

"Awkward", Sara giggles and turns to walk downstairs again, pulling Calypso with her.

Her touch stops Calypso's thoughts from spiraling, she is not the one to judge Ethan when she was the one sleeping with a random stranger just a couple nights before.

To forget Ethan but he probably doesn't waste a thought on you. The evil voice in her head won't back down and Calypso hides the bag of books behind a cupboard, needing a drink and to find Vic.

Finding a drink was easier than finding Vic. The house is insanely crowded again and Calypso wonders who's idea the party was this time.

"Baguette", Damiano spots the two girls and pushes his way over to them, hugging them to his chest.

"Wait who are you?", he releases Sara from his sweaty embrace and Calypso can't help but snort there is no way that Damiano knows everyone here, so why does he pretend it is so strange to see a stranger here.

"Sara", she yells over the music and then continues to explain how she had met Calypso at the store and originally only planned to take her home, not to join the massive party of Italy's shining ESC winners.

Calypso doesn't pay attention to Damiano and Sara's conversation, she is busy scanning the faces around her for Vic.

When she finally spots her, she grabs both Sara and Damiano not wanting to lose them in the crowd again and roughly makes her way over to her.

"Io sono spiacente", Calypso blurts out, hugging the smaller girl to her chest so that she has no choice but to listen to her friends apology.

"It's fine Caly, you know I can't stay mad at my favourite French", Vic chuckles and Calypso lets her go, introducing her to Sara.

If Calypso and Sara are already getting along well, then it's as if Vic has found her soulmate in Sara.

The two girls can't stop giggling about something Calypso doesn't understand, turns out Sara can speak Italian, very very well since she's been living in Rome for about three years now.

Feeling a little left out by their conversation, Calypso leans back on the couch and closes her eyes, exhausted from book shopping.

Damiano flops down next to her, half sitting on her lap due to the lack off space and beams at her.
"Ethan got laid", he announces and sounds a little too proud for Calypso's liking.

The image of Ethan and a girl having sex in her bed now reappears in her mind, like a movie stuck during one scene it replays again and again.

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