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Maybe her wake up call simply came too late for Calypso.

No matter how hard she tries, there is just no way for her to unsee Ethan sleeping with a girl that is not her.

The next morning, everyone congratulates Ethan on his lucky night, not realising how Calypso can't meet Ethan's eye.

Her cheeks grow red when Damiano continues to push the subject over a very late breakfast and she tries to get out of the situation as quickly as possibly, offering to clean the pool area before the flies get to the discarded paper cups and empty bottles.

Taking a breath of relief when the conversation fades behind her, she leans against one of the pillars of the temple and squints her eyes against the sun.

Again she reminds herself that she has no right to be angry at Ethan, she slept with someone else too.

Okay, to be fair there is a point that drives her mad, how is she supposed to sleep in her own bed again after seeing her friend fuck someone in it?

Last night she fell asleep in Thomas room after helping him up the stairs and under the covers, him sprawled out on his bed, snoring lightly and her curled up on the couch.

I hope he washes my sheets. Calypso thinks bitterly and chucks an empty soda can into a trash bag, cringing when the rest of the warm liquid runs over her hand and leaves a sticky remnant.

Vic strolls over to her, wearing no top and some oversized shorts, Calypso can't help but adore her friends beautiful body.

"Like what you see?", Vic teases and Calypso laughs not bothering to hide her admiration, there is no denying that Victoria DeAngelis is build like an angel.

"Of course I do", Calypso answers her friend and hands her a trash bag, urging her to help her clean.

"Sara liked it too", Vic suddenly blurts out. Calypso's eyes widen at her friends remark "You also had sex last night?", her question sounds more like a statement and she drops her trash bag to giver her friend a hug.

"Sorry by the way for fucking the girl you brought home", Vic giggles pulling away from her friends hug and Calypso sticks her tounge out at her.

"At least you didn't do it in my bedroom unlike some other people", as soon as the words have left her mouth she bites her tounge, regretting her bold remarks.

"Who slept-", Vic interrupts her own question and anger washes over the girls face.
"Ethan", she growls.

Stopping her friend before her anger gets the best of her, Calypso drags Vic over to the bench in the temple and makes her sit down before begging her to not make it a big deal.

"Calypso are you being serious right now? A couple of nights ago I could have sworn that you'd jump Ethan if he'd only given you the chance and now you say it is okay that he slept with someone else in your bedroom?", Victoria is clearly agitated and confused flailing her hands around while she talks.

"Stop it", with a firm grab to her friends wrists she wants to shut her friend up, desperately wanting to drop the subject.

"Then explain it to me Caly, what is going on between you and Ethan? I am not blind, I've known both of you for so long and I know there is something up".

Calypso feels her throat closing, admitting that she likes Ethan more than she would like to is hard and hearing her own shaky voice mumble it to her best friend causes her heart to ache.

Vic is quiet for a while after Calypso's confession watching her friends sad expression change into a scared one.

Only then she seems to snap out of her state of processing her friends thoughts and quickly grabs Calypso's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Oh Caly I am so sorry", she coos and just like the morning where Thomas found Calypso in the bathroom, soft spoken words break the last dam before her river of tears.

Vic leaves a crying Calypso hidden from her friends in the temple and heads inside to grab a shirt for herself, a box of tissues and a bottle of cool water for Calypso.

She had refused to come inside with Victoria too embarrassed to explain her tear stained cheeks and red eyes.

Snot runs from her nose and she makes an ugly sobbing sound when Vic hands her a tissue and starts to braid her brunette hair into a low ponytail, soothing her friend with her gentle touches.

"I messed up Vic", she manages to spit out between sobs and takes a sip of water,pressing the cool bottle to her heated cheeks.

Her friend shakes her head furiously at Calypso's words and waits for her to continue to speak.

"I shouldn't have told you"

Calypso's words hurt Vic and she stops braiding, dropping her hands in her lap.

"I love you so much but now that I said it out loud it feels just so much realer and I don't know how to deal with this Vic".

"You don't have to go through this alone, we will find a way I promise you that I won't say a word to the others"

Vic holds out her little finger and waits for Calypso to wrap hers around it, pinky promises never allowed to be broken.

"Are you alright?", Thomas walks into the little bubble of heartbreak unaware that the girls would rather stay alone until Calypso feels ready to face her friends back in the house.

"What happened?", on seeing Calypso's tears that she tried to wipe away, with no success apparently, he squeezes down on the bench next to the french girl.

He hates to see his bubbly friend so sad, especially since he was the one finding her crying on the bathroom floor only a couple of days ago.

"Boy trouble", avoiding a real answer Victoria just wants to calm Thomas's nerves and let Calypso decide how much she would like to share with her other friend.

Thomas pulls Calypso into a side hug, just when Damiano joins the trio wearing an equally worried expression on his face.

So Calypso continues to cry into Thomas shoulder, with the only person that she wants to be comforted by nowhere to be seen.

Probably thinking of the girl he slept with in your bed, your worth nothing to him

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