Episode 1 The Adventure Begins Part 8

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Third person's POV

As the days went by, Kong island was being built, and it was being built fast. Kong, Lavender, and Danny were sitting on Kong's tower in the middle of the island.

Danny: " Can you believe how fast this place is coming together?"

Lavender: " I am very impressed with the work that these builders are doing."

The whole island had workers, well, working. Some were in Choppers, carrying heavy items, while the rest were on the ground. Down below, a male worker signaled whoever was in the crane to lift some heavy pipes. Well, that didn't last long, because the pipes started to fall.

Kong saw this and immediately jumped into action. He scooped up the workers before they could get crushed. He then, put them down carefully and helped them out.

Lavender: " GOOD JOB KONG!!"

She yelled as loud as she could and thankfully, Kong heard. He roared back a response.

Danny: " He said " I'm glad I could help!"'

Lavender: [Giggles.]

Dr. Remy was unloading boxes that contained bananas and were getting tired. He heard someone dragging something behind him. He turned around and smiled. He saw Manami and both of the bionic wolves dragging a load over to him.

(I am going to give these animals and the wolves names!!)

Male Lion: Thomas

Female Lion: Samantha

Female Lion cub: Lillianna

Female Cheetah: Spotty

Male baby Cheetah: John

White bionic wolf: Snowflake

Black bionic wolf: Darknight

Whit Female Owl: Storm

Later in Richard's lab

Richard was in his lab building a T-rex. and he invited his Dad and Manami. It just looked like a plain robotic, until he added color and detail to it. As Richard finished up, it looked so real!! 

Dr. Remy: " I am so proud of you, son."

Manami: " I gotta say, I am impressed."

Richard: " Then wait until you see...this!"

Richard activated the robot and it started moving.

Dr. Remy: " I remember when you were a boy, you said your inventions would one day surpass mine."

Manami " Well, congratulations, Richard. You finally did it."

Richard and Dr. Remy were surprised about that complement. But, Richard smiled.

Richard: " Thank you, Manami. That means a lot coming from you."

Manami: " [ Giggles] You're quite welcome.


It was evening, and the workers were getting ready to leave. Dr. Remy was talking to Richard and Botila. And then Anita came to the three. of them

Anita: "Hey, Dr.Remy, what are you doing here? You are too pale. You should be in bed, eating the chicken soup I made for you.'

Dr. Remy:  "I... [coughing] I'm fine, Anita. Just...just a little tired is all."

Anita: "For so many months now, you are working much too hard. All of you."

Botila: "Not me. I have an inexhaustible energy source."

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