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As I neared the dining hall I head a commotion coming from inside. When I listened closer, it sounded like Reyna and Jason were trying to calm down the rest of the camp.

"Why did that boy just appear from the hills?" Asked one.

"We should check our location hasn't been leaked." Said another.

"Well I heard he was a demigod sent by Lupa." One retorted. "We obviously don't have a leak."

"Yeah, but I was told he showed up in a toga. Lupa doesn't send people in togas."

"I heard the toga was black. He can't be good. We should interrogate him."

The argument went on and on and everyone seemed to contribute or speculate. I had never had so much attention, and I felt like walking in now would not be a good idea.

I wasn't late for another few minutes, so I sat down outside and hoped things would calm down before I walked in.

"Well," someone said, "I don't care what kind of demigod he is, he won't be going in my cohort."

Wow, it seemed like this guy had a grudge against me already.

"Octavian, dude, why not. What if he is some super powerful demigod? So powerful that he didn't even need to go to Lupa to find us?"

I liked this person, they had my back even though they had no idea who I was. I also remembered that Octavian was the auger. They already disliked me, that isn't good.

Because I was contemplating this, I missed Octavian's reply, but someone said "Let him join the fifth. It's full of geeks and freaks."

I was momentarily angered that this person was judging me before they had met me, but realised it was like that every where I went.

"I would love to have that dude in my cohort." Someone said, and it sounded like Dakota but I couldn't be sure. "I mean did you see his sword? No of course not, you weren't there. Well let me tell you, it was 3 feet long and made of a pure black metal. It looked wicked. Anyone with a sword like that has to be a great swordsman."

Dakota seemed to be enjoying his moment of fame, probably because he was classed as a freak or geek most of the time, but he had gossip right now.

"Huh-hm," someone coughed, and the whole room went quiet. I automatically new that Jason had finally succeeded in calming the crowd because no one else could cough with that much authority. "All of your questions will be answered shortly, we are just waiting for our surprise guest to arrive."

"He should be here already if we are." Octavian said loudly. That guy was going to get on my nerves. I just hoped I didn't get too close to him while I was angry. I would love the outcome, but my father and Pluto wouldn't thank me for it, as it wouldn't exactally be making friends.

"Well," Reyna said taking advantage of the quiet, "He isn't late yet. He has two minutes to get here."

I took this as my queue to walk in, so I quickly checked my sword was on display and strode over to the doors and made my entrance.

I shoved the doors open harshly and strode confidently through, not caring that the doors slammed behind me.

I looked around the room and aside from the people staring at me in shock, I saw low slung sofas and coffee tables all around the room. There were no proper tables, but opposite to the doors, there was a raised area on the floor with a table and 2 sofas on top. This was where Jason and Reyna stood waiting for me.

I decided to walk over there as I saw Jason motion for me to do so out of the corner of my eye.

When I got there I decided to apologise for my lateness even though I wasn't. I thought that was the best way to go about making friends. "Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time at my father's shrine."

Immediately I heard someone huff, and other started to celebrate. "Sorry, I betted that his father was the godly parent so I just got off stable duty for a week."

I chuckled to myself, but Reyna just carried on. "So everyone, this is Nico, and he will be around camp from now on, but he won't be joining a cohort permanently. We will have a quick Q and A session, and then after that, he will eat at the table with Jason and I so anyone with any other questions can ask them during dinner."

"Okay, who first?" Jason said.

Many hands shot into the air. Great. I hated Q and A, and now there were loads of questions, my day couldn't get any worse.

"Yes, Tyl..." Jason started, but was interrupted by Octavian.

"Why did you not bring him too me? The rules clearly state that he must be brought to me so I can read the gods will. That is of course my job as auger." He demanded.

Gods, this guy was going to be a real pain in my butt hole.

"I don't really think it's my place to answer this one." I said and nodded to Reyna.

"Quite right Nico," Reyna thanked me with her eyes. It seemed she wanted to get at the auger in public. I stifled a laugh and Reyna continued. "I did not bring him to you because the rules state that only an initiate into the legion should be brought to you and thus before the gods. As I said earlier Nico will not be joining the legion."

"Okay," I butted in. This was getting heated, and the longer this went on, the longer I had to stand here. "Who else has questions?"

Once again lots of hands went up, but once again, Octavian shouted out. I ignored him and got a question from a girl near the front.

"Sorry, but I have got to ask," she said excitedly, "where did you find that sword? It is so awesome!"

"I found it-" I started but was interrupted by Octavian again.

"You think you can ignore me? I should just ask the gods what they think if you right now." He shouted. He was really angry, and it was funny until he got up and started to leave.

I needed to keep him here, cos I wasn't sure if the gods would out me as Greek because they hate Hades, so I quickly replied to the girl telling her it was from the Underworld.

Everyone who heard seemed amazed, but I didn't have time to listen to their other questions.

"Octavian," I called in a voice that made everyone go quiet. "I really don't think that would be a good idea."

"And why not?" He huffed.

"Because the gods do not wish to be disturbed for trivial matters that they are already aware of." I said. I glanced at Reyna and she looked shocked but enthused that I was standing up to Octavian.

"And how on earth would you know what the gods are like? And how do you know they already know about you coming here?" Octavian's tone was triumphant, but he didn't know what I knew.

"Well to answer your first question, I have actually met with some of the gods." I wanted to say I was good friends with Hestia, but I didn't know who she was to the Romans. "And my father told me to come here, so I would assume he already knows I'm here."

Everyone was shocked, but Octavian was flabbergasted. He stood there with his mouth open and eyes popping out of his head. His jaw started to move up and down, and eventually he found the words to say
"Really, and who would your father be?"

"Well," I started, "My father is Pluto."


Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Also, we reached 150 reads. You guys are amazing! I never thought I would get one read per chapter, let alone 15. Thank you so much!

Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter too.

My updates are still going to be irregular for the time being as I'm still in my exams at the moment.


Becoming Pluto's Ambassador: Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now