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When I woke up, I was resting on a uncomfortable bed in a military style hospital.

I sat up sharply. This wasn't the infirmary at Camp Halfblood.


I layed back down.

No. This was probably the hospital that the Romans had at Camp Jupiter.

I wonder if they have any children of Apollo working here. The infirmary at Camp Halfblood was practically run by them. When I was there, I always seemed to be treated by Solace. I can't remember the last time that I was treated by anyone else. That seemed kind of suspicious to me now that I though about it. Everyone else always has a variety of kids treat them in the infirmary.

I was rudely interrupted from my thoughts when a lar came rushing in with Jason.

"You're awake!" He said, way too loudly.

"Well yeah." I said sarcastically. "Now if you don't mind, I'll be going to my actual bed now. This one is uncomfortable."

I got up and wobbled. Jason had an amused look on his face and didn't move to help me at all.

I looked at him and he smirked. I was thankful though that he didn't try to catch me. I have never really liked being touched. I tolerate it when I have to.

Then I started to walk more carefully back to Jason's room with him following me, and collapsed on my camping bed.

I would move it to my new room later I though as I drifted off to sleep once more.

Jason's pov (dedicated to medhabhatnagar )

I was about to go and find Reyna for any other duties now that I had checked Nico was doing ok, when I heard him say something. It sounded like he was calling to someone, but the name was too muffled by pillow I couldn't make out who.

I turned around thinking it was probably me as I was the only one in the room, and saw a fast asleep Nico with his face buried in a pillow.

"Nico?" I asked softly.

I waited a moment, and after getting no response, I assumed he was talking in his sleep, so I left.

Looking at the time I saw that it was her usual time for an afternoon break, so I headed off to the coffee shop she always went to in New Rome.

Once I got there, I saw her sitting inside at the table by the window. She seemed to be lost in a world of thought with a half eaten muffin in her hand.

I decided to surprise her as I walked in and say down next to her. I was just about to tap Reyna on her shoulder when her hand shot up from the table dropping the muffin and catching mine.

Without turning her head she said "I told you not to do that Jason. Some day you'll end up with a broken arm."

I laughed nervously. I knew she wasn't kidding, but it was scary how much she had changed since our trip Charleston. What ever that ghostly lady had said had made Reyna much more on edge and unfriendly.

I wanted to know what, but felt that if I pressed again, I would end up in the infirmary like Nico.

"----you here?" Reyna said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, could you repeat that please?" I asked.

"I said 'why are you here?'" she repeated, used to me drifting off occasionally. We all did it, most of us have ADHA of course.

"Um Nico is ok, he's just tired. He woke up for a bit, went to the bed we put up for him in my room, and fell back asleep again. I don't think he thought the ones in the infirmary were that comfy. Uh anyway, I came to ask about any more jobs you have for us to do today?"

"Yeah, I need to go and see Octavian and find out what the gods have been telling our auger. Uh, I hate him so much." She said banging her fist on the table.

I could understand her hate. While Reyna and I had worked our way to the top through skill and training, that power hungry legacy of Apollo had got to his position the dirty way, with bribes and eliminating the competition.

And the worst thing is that you could tell he wanted more. More power. The only way for him to get that was for him to become Praetor, which put Reyna and I in direct line of his attacks.

"Ugh, I'll go Reyna. No offence, but you aren't in the right mood to be able to deal with him without him getting ammunition today." It was true. He would take anything you did and turn it against you if he could. The only reason I had lasted this long was because I was a son of Jupiter.

"Thanks" she replied.

"Is there anything else you need?" I asked?

"Nothing too great other than that, just make sure Nico has everything he needs, and find out when he's leaving. He puts the legionnaires on edge." Reyna said.

With that blunt attitude, I was definitely right. She was in no mood to handle Octavian.

"Ok." I replied "I take it you want me to be much more subtle and not anger him off after his display of power yesterday?"

"Of course" she said. "I do not want an army of skeletons marching through my legion. After what he did last night, I think he might be even more powerful than you Jason."

"You might be right" I mumbled.

I had actually been thinking about this myself before I went to see Nico earlier. Yes we were both sons of the big three, but he appeared to be more powerful than me even though he was younger. He could summon bones from the earth to make a massive avatar like that, and only pass out at the end. That was impressive. I could control the winds, sure, but exerting that much effort to make them do something they didn't want to for that amount of time would make me pass out way sooner.

I wouldn't want to meet that some of Pluto in battle. He was probably the most powerful demigod of the century.



Thank you medhabhatnagar for commenting on my previous chapter. That kind of constructive criticism is what motivates me to write.

How did you enjoy a Jason pov?

Sorry if I didn't do it quite right. I don't really connect with him as well as some other members of the seven.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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