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"Your father ..... is ..... Pluto?" Octavian stammered.

I had done it now. Everyone hated children like me. Well they just hated Hades in general, and if they didn't hate Hades, they hated children. It appeared that the Lord of the dead was the same here. I have never really understood why people hate us so much, I have just always accepted that fact.

"Yes my father is Pluto." I repeated for anyone who didn't hear properly.

"Get him out of our camp." One person yelled.

Just then, someone turned to look at the one who had shouted that with distaste.

"We will not be disrespecting this son of Pluto." He said, and then he angrily walked through the original speaker who said to get rid of me.

I did a double take.

"Um what the hell just happened there?" I questioned.

Did one person really just walk straight through another human being?

I know there is some advanced tech and magic at Camp Half-blood, but they don't have anything that allows you to actually walk thorough someone.

"Where? What are you talking about?" Jason asked kind of concerned.

"I just saw one guy walk through another."

"Oh yeah, they are Lars, spirits of dead Roman legionnaires." Jason replied

"Yeah, but I have seen Lars before. They were shimmering and see through and now they are solid. Why are they solid?" I asked, I really needed and answer.

Jason shrugged, he didn't know.

Reyna on the other hand said, "It might be to do with the fact you are a son of Pluto. You see them as solid like we are. Others don't see them as solid.'

"Wow." I said, quite shocked. They were never solid before. Why were they solid now? Was it because this land screamed with the power of the gods or was it because I was more powerful?

"Do you think this means he can touch them?"  Jason asked. "It would be so cool if it did."

I walked over to the one who I knew was a Lar. I shocked his hand, and decided to thank him for defending me. Even though I have no idea why he did. I decided to reward this Lar.

"So, is there anything I can do for you?" I asked the Lar.

"It would be wonderful to be able to taste again." The Lar commented. It seemed like a thought that just slipped out. "But you don't have to do that." He added.

"It would be my honour to let you taste again." I replied, and with that I passed him a cup of kool aid that Dakota handed me. He started to drink from the cup, and commented on how good it tasted.

Then he tried to give it back to Dakota, but Dakota's hand just went straight through the cup, so I picked up the cup and gave it back. It seemed I was a new medium for interaction with the Lars.

Once I was finished with the Lar, I realised that everyone had been watching this entire time and I felt extremely awkward.

"Um....." I said.

"Let dinner commence." Reyna saved. And with that air spirits blew around the tables taking orders and delivering plates. It was a challenge just to get back to the table with the praetors without being knocked over by a air spirit.

When I finally managed that task, Jason and Reyna apologised profusely for Octavian's actions.

But I didn't want to hear their apologies. It was Octavian's I wanted to hear, so I told them to stop worrying about it, as I knew I would never get the auger's apology without using force, and I wasn't quite at that point. Yet.

I was brought a Happy Meal for my dinner which made me smile. It reminded me of my sister, from the days when I tried to summon her. I would have to visit her again soon. She had got into Elysium, and partied there a lot. Being a child of Hades allowed me to visit her there without having to stay there forever. This was probably the best perk of being who I was.

"Nico, you good?" Jason asked, snapping me back to reality.

I realised that for the first time in a while I was smiling, and when I tried to stop I couldn't.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said, my face contorting as I tried to stop my smile.

"Are you sure?" Reyna joined in the questioning. "You look like your in pain."

"Yeah, I'm just trying not to smile like an idiot. I think that would be more off putting. I don't want to ruin your meal."

"Wow." Jason and Reyna said at the same time.

I was confused, what was I doing that had them so amazed?

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"Oh, it's just that we didn't think you did smile. You seemed rather against it before dinner, and we are just a bit shocked." Reyna answered.

Oh, well I guess that made sense. I really did hate to socialize, but I was trying to make friends so I didn't get punished by my father.

I shivered thinking about last time I made him angry.

He trapped me in a room full of flowers that Persephone had made in his palace, and forced me to look at them for hours. I didn't really mind this as I just made them die so I didn't have to think about them. They were so bright and cheery in the centre of the underworld. Nothing deserved to be like that here. When Persephone found out I killed all her flowers, she turned me into a dandelion and left me in the room with all the other dead plants. She didn't turn me back for 3 days. I nearly died of thirst. No one can survive without that long without water, and this dandelion didn't get much water as no one visited that dead room until Persephone herself came back.

After I told my father, and that was a big mistake. I know he will let Persephone punish me from now on as it has more effect than his punishments.

"I have some quick announcements to make." Reyna said. It brought me back from thinking of my terrible punishment, and captures the attention of everyone else as well. The room went quiet out of respect.

"I would like Group B, to build some defences on the Field of Mars tomorrow as we will be playing war games in the evening."

This sounded interesting.

"Any specific type?" Someone from the crowd asked. I assume they were from Group B, although they could have just as well been someone curious about the games.

"No." Reyna replied. "I wish for myself and the rest of the legion to be surprised. We may not always know what territory we have to fight in."

She paused for a moment before someone shouted out, "What team will the son of Pluto join?"

Jason looked at Reyna and they had a quick discussion with their eyes.

Jason stood up and then said, "He will join 3rd, 4th and 5th."


I hoped you enjoyed that chapter.

Comment if you have any ideas for different war games that the legion should play.

Also, please vote, it makes me happy to see you appreciate my book.


Becoming Pluto's Ambassador: Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now