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I arrived at the dining hall with a minute to spare. I love being almost late but not actually late. It pisses off perfectionist and people who want to be organised, and that is one of my favourite hobbies.

Anyway, I arrived and sat down at a table in the corner I noticed no one was sat at. In this moment I was just the way I liked it, alone.

I ate my dinner which was a cheese burger and fries. Just as I was eating the first fry someone came over, but I blew them off. They walked away in a huff, but I didn't care, I just wanted to eat the rest of my fries.

"Ok," Reyna announced, "Please can everyone get some armour on and a weapon, and we will convene for tonight's war game in half an hour."

"Don't forget that it will be 3rd, 4th, 5th and Pluto's ambassador against 1st and 2nd." Jason continued, "Also the team who built the zone for tonight's game will explain the rules once we all get to the field of Mars."

"Dismissed" was Reyna's final word, and with that the hall exploded out the doors as everyone rushes to get ready.

I was just stood there, wondering where the armour would be when someone came up to me that I recognised.

"It's Nico, right?" Asked Dakota.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Well, I'm Dakota, and I'm centurion of the fifth cohort, and your going to be fighting with us, so I fell it's my responsibility to protect and help you."

"I don't need to be protected" I said. I have trained in almost every style of fighting since the beginning of time thanks to the dead in the underworld. But I still prefer 2 things: fighting smart, and fighting Greek.

I knew that the Roman style was very different to the Greek style, and I wasn't very good at it, so I decided it would be best to fight smart.

"Of course you don't, but I think I need to show you where the armour is." Dakota pointed out.

"Fairs." I replied.

We walked for a bit, and when I saw the armour, I was shocked by how heavy it was all going to be. I though Greek armour was heavy. It was going to be nothing compared to the Roman.

"Um Dakota, do you have anything lighter? Like maybe something leather, or possibly u could just wear some?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, you are kinda skinny, you might not be able to deal with the weight."

He shuffled off and came back with a leather tunic and kilt.

"This is the best I can do for you." Dakota said. "The 5th cohort isn't too well off, so we don't have much good quality stuff, but the aim of war games isn't to kill or injure people badly, so you should be fine."

"Thanks" I said as I slipped on the armour, and made sure my sword was at my side. He quickly did all of his, and together we walked to the field of Mars.

In just a day, it had been transformed from a barren field to having 3 metre high walls in places and trenches in others. It was truly amazing.

I noticed everyone had gathered into 5 groups, 2 were facing the other 3, while Reyna sat on a Pegasus next to a standing Jason, and someone else who I assumed must be responsible for the game tonight.

As me and Dakota joined the 5th cohort, Reyna started to talk.

"As usual, we have the eagles ready to remove anyone with an injury, and Jason and I will be flying around as referees."

"And," Jason added "as usual, all powers are allowed to be used to help you win."

That was good for me, I could definitely fight smart.

Then the builder started to talk. "Ok, so tonight's was game is ......" A drum roll happened, and everyone joined in. "CAPTURE THE FLAG" he shouted.

That was great for me. I don't know how often they played, but we played this at least once a week at camp half-blood.

"Ok, so each cohort will use their banner as the flag, and you have to place the banner somewhere visible. for example, the top of a wall. The opposition has to capture all of your flags before they win."

"Any questions?"

When no one had any, the cohorts went to place the flags.

"I suggest we hide them all in the same place as it is easier to defend." I said to Dakota.

"Actually that's not such a bad idea." Dakota admitted.

He went of to talk with the other centurions on our team. He looked pissed off by the time he came back with the other 5th centurion.

"They agreed to do your idea, Nico, but the 3rd and 4th are going to guard the flags, while you and the 5th go and try to capture the 1st and seconds flags." He said in a huff.

"Ok, looks like we are going to have to fight smart." I said.

"You seem to do this a lot" Dakota complimented.

"Well," I reply carefully, "How else is a skinny twig like me going to win a fight."

Dakota seemed to contemplate this, and just then I saw the 1st and 2nd flags go up on a wall in the centre of their defences.

"Damn, to get to that we are going to need a hell of a distraction" Dakota commented.

"Yeah," I agreed "but I already have a distraction in mind."

"Oh really," he sounded intrigued "and what would that be?"

I quickly explained my plan to Dakota.

"Dude, that's crazy!" He said.

"I know right! But they will never see it coming." I replied.

"Maybe we will finally win a war game!" Dakota screamed.

"Yeah, but you might want to tell the rest of your cohort the plan first I said."

Just as I had got into position, and seen Dakota finish explaining the plan, a air horn sounded.

I looked up and saw Jason floating in the air with an air horn in hand!


Sorry it's so late, I made this chapter a while ago, and then just forgot to upload it. 😂

Thanks for reading.

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Becoming Pluto's Ambassador: Nico Di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now