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Abdullah finished narrating his experience to two of his friends. Muhammad was quiet While Harun kept on laughing at every short sentence. He couldn't understand how Abdullah appeared to have gotten himself entangled in another relationship even in his present predicament. Abdullah tried explaining himself as terming everything upon destiny. Just not wanting to say or do something which might upset Muhammad.

"Look Abdullah, give her a few days, I'm sure she'll come around," That was all he heard and he was tired of it already. He knew Maryam too well to think she'd just change her mind and return all of a sudden. And now if he refuses to act correctly at her decision, all would think he refused to because he was remarrying. He wanted no such.

"I don't think she will," He replied and leaned forward on the sofa. "Forget it, Maryam is far too stubborn,"

Muhammad did not want to interfere nor give an advice, the last time he did, nothing had changed, only for the worse if he could think of it as such. He looked at his watch. He was almost late for his appointment and the fear of missing it clicked and he slowly tapped his laps. The conversation did not seem to end, and he sat listening, occasionally glancing at his watch.

"But she has to emphasize with, she's acting irrationally, you've done your part, at least. It's now all up to her to decide to return back or not," Haruun added and as he spoke, Muhammad stood up from the couch he sat. He knew how the place he intends going always had a long queue of impatient sapiens. It was better if he left early.

"Guys, I'm heading out, I have someone I am to make contact with, shall we meet tomorrow after work?," All the pleasantries done, Turaad bade farewell to them both after they escorted him to the car.

On reaching the immigration office, he asked the gatekeeper to put him through a suitable parking spot. Many people were hurrying through the stair-cased building. And when he marched towards the office he was addressed to, he met a barrier of human bodies blocking the entrance. It was too lousy for his liking, it reminds him of how families rush after the patient they bring in to emergency asking numerous questions at the same time, leaving him with no choice to but shot the door on their faces, or ask them to wait outside and that they can't be let in. 

Long minutes passed before it was his turn and he walked in with so much appeasement. His tired look vanished seeing himself sitting across the Immigration officer, he, taking the important documents from Turaad and most especially, the cooling air conditioning of the room.

"Mr Muhammad, does she have a passport? I mean an E-passport?," the officer checked the documents and glanced up through his glasses.

Muhammad moved in his chair. He actually did not ask her, he intended to surprise her too much that the details of traveling slipped outta his head. "No, I actually forgot, and it's quite necessary to make one as soon as possible, am I right?,"

"Yes Mr Muhammad, but there are no issues if she does not have one. You can
meet Sakina Ladan in the passport office downstairs to discuss it, after that, I'll see what I can do about the visa applications," Muhammad smiled graciously and he reached out for his documents.

"Thank you very much," The officer grinned and he shook hands with Muhammad. His speech hung mid air by the shrilling from Muhammad's pocket and he took back his hand allowing Muhammad to reach for the mobile.

He answered the phone and he put it to his ear, waved at the officer before he began walking towards the stairs that would take him to the down floor. "Hello, He-llo Ya?," Muhammad posed on hearing Zarah's voice and his brows kneaded. "Can you hear me? Kana ji na? Ya Turaad,"

"Yes yes I can here you. What's the matter?," He heard her sniff and he momentarily closed his eyes. He felt a sudden rise in his temperature when she finally broke down and began blabbering, he moved and stood by the railing of the stairs, fighting to maintain his composure which he was sure to loose at the soonest.

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